Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. 11647-screen Shot 2012-10-25 At 5.35.14 Pm

    11647-screen Shot 2012-10-25 At 5.35.14 Pm

  2. Hide-the-Hippy

    Face Paint, Mask, nothing???

    I just use my beard. Like a real man. :drink1:
  3. Hide-the-Hippy


  4. :'(


  5. :'(


  6. Hide-the-Hippy

    go pro hd??

    Some people mount it actually on the bow. If that is case, make damn sure you shoot your bow with it on. We have a couple things we do with our Go-Pros when we hunt. But basically we hook it up to the bow. It's awesome footage!
  7. Hide-the-Hippy

    Wal Mart Bushnell cam pics

    I literally was thinking that too! Great looking pictures all around!
  8. Hide-the-Hippy

    I gotta confession..

    Okay, don't judge. But tonight I was getting ready to go out with some friends of mine for some fun and shenanigans. I was getting ready and I realize that I had worn my, only pair of blue jeans I had clean, out into the woods this afternoon to check some cameras and doing some trout...
  9. Hide-the-Hippy

    Interesting trail cam pics

    I laughed pretty hard when I saw that!
  10. Hide-the-Hippy

    Screw You!!!!!

    I will proudly stand up, place my two middle fingers in the air and say "F-U Green Bay" until the day I die.
  11. Hide-the-Hippy

    Little Freak Nasty (Need picture help)

    There ya go! A little better! Looks like a weird guy!! :way:
  12. Buck


  13. Hide-the-Hippy

    Not a buck...

    But a duck! Got the phone call early this morning that my duck was done! The lighting is a little funky in my room, but overall, I think it turned out really nice! I'm still pretty excited! :)
  14. Drake Woddy

    Drake Woddy

  15. Drake Woody

    Drake Woody

  16. Hide-the-Hippy

    Up Close & Personal

    I just think this is a pretty cool video! My favorite one I have ever gotten on camera. http://s1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg516/DoubleOBros/?action=view&current=f9e0a6ad.mp4
  17. Hide-the-Hippy

    Some nice bucks

    Those are some awesome bucks!
  18. Hide-the-Hippy

    buck video..

    Awesome looking buck!
  19. Hide-the-Hippy

    Passing the summer...

    I'm on three mens league softball team and also a town team baseball team. If I'm not playing ball, Im working or fishing. :)
  20. Hide-the-Hippy

    fishing trip recap

    I HATE mayflies! Looks like an awesome trip! :way:
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