Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Hide-the-Hippy

    Which turkey season are you hunting?

    Same here! and I completely agree! I think its going to be great first season!
  2. Hide-the-Hippy

    One of the best days of the year

    Just thought I would remind everyone of this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SzUFz-58PPA&feature=relmfu :way::way::way:
  3. Hide-the-Hippy

    2012 PMA Turkey Contest Prizes

    sureshot, thats a heck of a deal!
  4. Hide-the-Hippy

    2011 Bow Buck

    Congrats! It looks great!
  5. Hide-the-Hippy

    Does anyone care?

    I was at the one at Luther, in Decorah. We have a pretty good turn out. Almost every chair was taken up by someone. But I was impressed how every site had the same idea for the deer quotes. The muzzleloader topic had a little diversity, but overall, bottom line, those antlerless seasons need to go.
  6. Hide-the-Hippy

    gun safety idiot

    That's Ol' Bonks for ya.....
  7. Hide-the-Hippy

    how did you get it?

    Hide comes from "Hides" which is my favorite place to deer hunt. The guy who used to live up near the woods a long time ago had a last name of "Hide". So we just named the woods Hides and it stuck. I have shot my first ever buck up at Hides along with my first ever bow harvest of a doe a couple...
  8. Hide-the-Hippy

    Who will go with me to...........

    If anyone is going to the Decorah one, send me a PM. I would be willing to meet you outside of the library and let you know where to park as well!
  9. Hide-the-Hippy

    Big Ten Wrestling Championships

    Usually the finals are broadcasted live, but other than that, its hardly ever broadcasted. I have to agree with you again too about ESPN not broadcasting more wrestling. I love the big ten network because of how much wrestling is shown on there, and also IPTV as well. Hopefully the hawks will...
  10. Small Shed

    Small Shed

  11. Hide-the-Hippy

    The forgotten...

    man, i hope someone finds those sheds!
  12. Hide-the-Hippy

    2010 Bow and Muzz Kill

    Love it! Looks awesome!
  13. Hide-the-Hippy

    What binocs do you like for bowhunting?

    I actually have a Bushnell Trophy XLT 10x42 Bone Collector ones. I really like them actually, used them through all seasons and seemed to work well for me. But then again, some others may not agree with me, but I like mine.
  14. Hide-the-Hippy

    Giant 8

    Ah...wow. just wow.
  15. Hide-the-Hippy

    Live from the Classic

    Not gunna lie...kinda jealous a the little guy! What a night!
  16. Hide-the-Hippy

    2011 early muzzle buck

    Looks good! Welcome!
  17. Hide-the-Hippy

    The Grey...

    This is the last scene after the credits... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leVGvnAHHTM&feature=related like I said, I think it makes the ending more significant...
  18. Hide-the-Hippy

    The Grey...

    I did! And that is why I think it was one of the my favorite movies. That last scene tied everything all together.
  19. Hide-the-Hippy

    The Grey...

    Dude! Guys! I thought the ending with fantastic! I went into the movie with not know much of anything...maybe thats why I thought it was an awesome movie??
  20. Hide-the-Hippy

    The Grey...

    Just a heads up, if any of you guys get a chance to go the movie, "The Grey" I highly recommend seeing it. One of the best "wilderness" movies I have ever seen. But I strongly suggest that is not for little eyes. And I personally think it is one of my all time favorite movies now. Right...
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