Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Sticks

    Question for fish nerd (muddy)

    Lance not sure what the technical name is but only place I've ever found them is in rivers. Catch em in throw nets. Remind me alot of chubs with a bigger body. Good flat head bait....
  2. Sticks

    Even better a kansas thief!!

    Looks like a real dandy... we shall call him dandy dan!
  3. Sticks

    2nd archery bird!

    Well guys its been awhile since I've posted on here but last saturday I was able to harvest my 2nd archery bird. Its been a long season thats for sure. Tons of tough breaks and close encounters. I took a jake earlier this year and for my second tag I was holding out for a nice tom. Last...
  4. Sticks

    Youth/2nd Season Successes

    Putting a hurtin on em this year! Congrats fellas nice work!
  5. Sticks

    Full VELVET IOWA shotgun buck!!!!

    Yea very cool for sure. Either missing his boys or or didnt have any at all.
  6. Sticks

    Camo Recommendations?

    Fall grey is the ticket. Fleece jacket and pants for the cooler temps, and the stalker jacket with 6 pocket pants for early season. Spring green is also great early season camo.
  7. Sticks

    Front Cover of North American Whitetail

    dang.... websites blocked at work so I can't see the newest cover. That was the only cover I could find. Hmm I will take a look at it when I get home. I hunt a farm just outside of Leon. Heard of a few big deer taken last year, but I bet this is a giant.
  8. Sticks

    Front Cover of North American Whitetail

    Isn't this the cover for nov 09? Or we talking dec 09? Image Hosting
  9. Sticks

    Front Cover of North American Whitetail

    Image Hosting is this the same deer were talking about?
  10. Sticks

    Front Cover of North American Whitetail

    http://iowawhitetail.com/forum/showthread.php?t=28536&highlight=baldwin+kansas&page=2 this was on here awhile back. atleast it looks like it. reports were baldwin kansas.
  11. Sticks

    What to expect?

    Well I have seen multiple 120s and 130s chasing. These past few days we have noticed the big boys starting to join the action. Couple 150s+ following does. Later this week into next week things are going to blow up literally. I never use decs so no comment there. If you make it in later. End...
  12. Sticks


    sam stuff for me here in south central iowa. saturday morning I was behind the camera but we seen between 12-15 diff bucks all in the timber. most were immature. 3 of them were 305 yr olds about 125 inches. one of them was lip curling on the tail end of a group of does. lots of chasing my...
  13. Sticks

    November antlerless Season

    I heard the gun hunters that hunt public ground during 1st and 2nd shotgun were complaining that it pushes too many deer off the public ground before the dec. gun seasons. Just what I heard tho
  14. Sticks

    Muddy treestand ?

    I was just thinking about that last night when i was sitting on stand during my urban hunt. Ill try that tomo night, should work. thanks guys
  15. Sticks

    Muddy treestand ?

    Yea I have a LW hangon and LW sticks that I use solely for run and gun setups. The stand has two cinch straps but I am going to replace that top strap with ratchet. It seems I can never get that top strap tight enough.
  16. Sticks

    IR Question

    yea the IR is on when it is not supposed to be. my stealth cams all do this. also known as overexposure i believe. Just a problem I have learned to deal with, try to turn them to face north or south. East and west will get direct sunlight.
  17. Sticks

    another card pull. impressive 8

    pics added
  18. Sticks

    Freaky buck... Potential or no?

    i see them. and idk. hes unique thats for sure. looks like he will get bigger but keep that tight rack with some stickers starting
  19. Sticks

    Beaver dam

    I was in your same situation last year. I hunted a gravel pit last year and they had a creek run off that divided the prop. At first I could just walk across the creek then come late oct into nov a beaver built two dams making impossible to walk across. I wasnt going to put the hours into...
  20. Sticks


    well I read the exact article you are talking about in petersons bowhunting mag. But I have never heard that sound before. I also know there is something called an intense pop. Its a single note grunt just a loud pop. It can be done with most grunt tubes. Never heard either sound tho.
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