havent heard that one yet but have heard there is alot of contraversy around it... but my god the deer is amazing take a look at those brow tines
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whitetail warrior i understand where you are coming from being upset... i am a very avid bow hunter but i always look foward to that first wknd in december its always fun the family, friends, stories, great hunting thats what i remember about iowa shotgun. but its true it only takes one bad...
yea ive been hearing it was shot behind a high fence but no other info yet the current record is 333 7/8 but this would be largest ever shot by hunter if its free range... unreal deer
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honestly everyone here has a point and everyone else knows that.... 50,000 bow hunters in iowa spread over almost 3 months compare to 250,000 gun hunters jammed into 12 days. idk what causes ppl to do the things they do. just like every other season or type of hunting you have the bad groups...
well my shotgun wasnt too bad sautrday i didnt even see a deer but another guy in are group seemed to have all the deer come right too him he got 3 three saturday night so then sunday morning i went to the same stand he sat in the night before almost regretting it right away knowing 3 deer were...
omg did it ever but thats hunting tho....i just wish i had more time to look him over a little better an i get a better pic of him...by the time i got my cam i could get only get a pic from nearly 100 yards away as he entered the creek bottom... but when i first seen him only 10 yards away from...
had all week off an have nothing to show for it.. seen atleast 5 shooter bucks 150's an up but nothing close enough an the one i did have shot at... i lost my release on the way to the stand an if your not used to shooting fingers it doesnt turn out so well but what im getting at.. i wake up get...
i hunted sunday from about noon till dark an started seeing deer as soon as i got in the stand seen a couple little bucks following a doe not chasing her just following with their heads down and then about half an hour later had another doe come through with 160 class buck following her head...
oh yea guys it is going be a great next couple weeks... get off today an get everything ready for this wknd an all next week off an the weather is looking great except for tomorrows wind problem
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