Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. E

    PSE XForce or Bowtech Guardian?

    Some of those x forces have a 5.5 inch brace height. If you plan on hunting with it you would never catch me in the stand with a bow that prone to wrist bite! Let alone snagging on even the slightest loose clothing.
  2. E

    Just in case no one has seen this!

    I'm with Lyon I've seen them give you no warning and just come in plowing over the decoy... My luck would be to get smoked in the face with a rack full of pointy trashy antlers
  3. E


    The fact he bedded down that fast is a real good sign too me. I'd feel good about finding him especially after the doe bumped him cause if he did start to clot him running would up his pressure and hopefully keep the wound channel open even longer.
  4. E

    Age? Cool Buck

    4.5 is my guess!
  5. E

    slowest 2nd season ive ever had!!

    I know 2nd season is not over, but for me it is. Birds gobbled good on roost but as soon as they hit the ground they zipped their lips.. Im talking 10-15 different birds as well that were gobbling on roost. We hunted 23 hours from friday through sunday and literally heard 1 gobble while a bird...
  6. E

    Bucks are on the move!Too bad it is at night

    Glad you posted this..just goes to show some people that rack size has zero to due with maturity level!
  7. E

    thanksgiving bucks

    This is also the time of year where that 10:00-2:00 are magical...all the mature deer have patterned the hunters and move during this time. Remember the small buck start early, and the mature store energy are running later ..
  8. E

    Best bow?

    There is no such thing as a best bow..shoot the tops of major manufacturers and see what feels best in your hands..my last 3 bows have all been bowtech.
  9. E

    Mount Poses?

    Be careful with a semi upright unless you have at LEAST 8-9 foot ceilings otherwise your brisket will be at about your chest on the wall..
  10. E

    Mount Poses?

    In my opinion revolution makes the best looking, most anatomically correct forms to date. And they fit our big faced big necked deer awesome!
  11. E

    My Thanksgiving morning buck ....

    A huge 4 or even 6 is one of my goals of whitetail harvests in my life and one similar to that would definitely work! Awesome deer congrats!
  12. E

    sad sad day........

    Search by your closest water!
  13. E


    I bought a pair and after about 2 years of normal use they split at the ankles where the material creases. Bought a pair of mucks and so far they show no signs of doing that. Other than that I love alpha Burlys
  14. E

    Marginal Hit...Thoughts?

    Depending on the angle in which you hit him the reason it might have stopped was because it hit the opposite shoulder or a rib bone. I agree on the little to no blood because of the high hit but replay your shot in your head and think about the Arrow angle.
  15. E

    taxidermist needed

    There are a few on this site, along with other reputable recommendations. How cheap are you thinking?
  16. E


    Taxidermy is something you should seek good quality work and be willing to drive a ways if need be. I'm not saying you don't have quality by you but don't let that be the basis of why you chose a taxidermist.
  17. E

    Sometimes you dont gota be in a tree.

    The only difference between PA and here is that size of head gear would be a typical 2.5 yr. old in Iowa.
  18. E

    Cant wait!

    In my opinion, I have seen my biggest deer from about the 19th through the 28th. so yes, that is a awesome time to be in the stand. also, around that time, that 10am-2pm is magical, so stay put even if your not seeing much activity. The ones you do see around that 10-2 will usually be your big...
  19. E

    rest recommendation please

    Boyd at buck hollow got me hooked on the limb driver pro v. Works flawless on even the fastest bows. You'll be glad ya did.
  20. E

    Best bow for the money??

    If your ok with a used bow, like someone already posted get on archery talk and search the classifieds. If you want new I have had nothing but good luck with bowtech products.
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