Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Out last night all over last night at my buddy's spot when scouting. Say in the blind tonight, nothing but wind.
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    Unfrozen water sources in late season

    I haven't seen a deer in awhile.
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    Views From The Stand 2019

    Missouri maybe???
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    19-20 Team Contest Sign Up

    Put me on the list. Thanks.
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    How wet is it?

    How late of harvest, they are still picking corn from last year on Mother's day. Saw a few fields of corn up over the winter for some reason up here in NE Iowa. The one on Mother's day always picks his in the spring for some reason, maybe keeping wildlife healthy.
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    Found first bunch today. 88 of them equalling up to 3 1/2 pounds worth.
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    Any turkey contest this year?

    Just wondering if there was going to be one or if I missed it somewhere? Even if it is for bragging rights only.
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    Since I cant rely on this shop, Who do you guys reccomend?

    Cutting Edge Archery in Elkader is good also.
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    Am I Justified to be frustrated with the Bow shop??.

    I would be frustrated too. After the 3 weeks I would have took my bow and found someone that wanted the job and was willing to do it in the time frame they quoted.
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    Wagon Blind

    A buddy of mine has two and has never had one blow over. He puts them out once fields are picked.
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    Recovering someone elses deer

    Proof right there no tag, probably a case for wanton waste. Call the DNR on them.
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    Ever see a deer look like this?

    Not so much the ears, but the face and all the saggy skin, growth sagging between front legs and it's hair all frizzled and curled.
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    Ever see a deer look like this?

    This is a strange looking deer. Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk
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    What kind of prices lately does it cost?
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    2018-19 IW Team Contest Sign Up

    Sign me up please.
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    Saw my first fawn today.

    Headed to Madison, Wisconsin this morning and between Bridgeport and Wauzeka saw something weird ahead in the headlights. Got up to it and here it was a fawn right on the conference and had to be fresh born, as it was so tiny and barely had it's legs working under it. Earliest one I saw...
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    World Record TYPICAL Dead head found shed season, NE IOWA!!!!! 221 & 7/8”

    Cat's out of the bag now. The picture is so deceiving in tine length. :D
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    Evening hunts work great. Find where they roost and set up in their past back to the trees. They change trees depending on the wind and weather. Scout evenings and watch where they head.
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    2018 Turkey Contest - sign up

    I will be your partner Hsmaross.
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