Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    2018 Turkey Contest - sign up

    I'm in, need a partner.
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    Rescued a gal having a bad day

    Nice job. A couple years ago helped one out of a cattle panel during spring turkey season. It hadn't been there too long, glad I didn't get kicked in the process. Found a few with skeletons like that and one time a small buck that got it's head stuck in a small tree crotch and died...
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    Didn't know it was still deer season.

    Thanks Fishbonker . Why didn't they use deer shot during gun hunting seasons? Offer hunters in the zone a monetary rebate to bring in deer for testing. Win/win you would think.
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    Didn't know it was still deer season.

    Good way to shoot 10 more wall hangers for the year. A real lot of info on it, not. No map of the zone just season from 20th-28th. Let's go out and shoot some deer, wait for the test and donate to HUSH, what a waste.
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    Didn't know it was still deer season.

    Been nice to hear something about it, would have worn an orange hat. Somebody was banging away just over the hill, probably 500 yards away.
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    Didn't know it was still deer season.

    Went squirrel hunting today and saw guys out in blaze orange running around. Must have a CWD hunt going on in Clayton County. Never heard of it until today.
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    A surprise from my Iowa buck this season!

    Found a broadhead in the side of a doe's head a few years back. Really cold and had a block of ice growing from the puss/wound area.
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    South Dakota Monster??

    That looks exactly the body size of the buck I shot last year early muzzy. Thing was a tank, locker got 120 pounds of boned out meat from it. A buddy and myself had to drag it 600 yards along a cornfield (instead of briars) took 2+ hours, I was whooped for 2 days after that. BTW my rack...
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    Illegal to intentionally screw with someone's hunt?

    Time to build a little shed and pen up some goats, eat the weeds and brush of course.
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    Early rutting Action????

    Shot a nice mature buck Thursday night. Was following 2 does and walking away. Heard him grunt once. Grunted at him but nothing, grabbed the rattling antlers and rattled him in. 25 yards with .45 cal muzzy. Live weight probably pushing 280-300. I weight 275 and hardly could budge him.
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    5.5 inches here. Ground so saturated water everywhere.
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    A Drive:

    Dumped 5 inches out of the rain gauge in the last week out of 3 different days. River is still high.
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    Muddy Bale Blind

    Thanks for the replies.
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    Muddy Bale Blind

    Arm, Do you have any pics of the building stages? Use plywood for the ends and cattle panels?
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    2 years ago I had one on camera in Clayton county. They are around, but few. I would like to take my boys down to southern Iowa and find a spot to try and trap one.
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    Going to be hard to find someone to buy those worthless coon this year I'm afraid. No market at this time, and a lot in storage.
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    muddy creek access

    How wide? Can you drop a couple trees across it or 6x6"s and nail plywood to it?
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    When Do?

    Saw one running behind momma last weekend.
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    DIY Sleeper cab

    A buddy of mine has an enclosed trailer that is 7x16 with a vee front. He partitioned it off for his 4 wheeler in the back and 2 bunks made out of 2x4 and plywood and bought a mattress for each. He has wired it to hook up at campground if needed.
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    Deer with velvet starting?

    While turkey hunting Saturday saw a group of five deer chasing each other around a CRP field, pulled up the binocs and two of them had atleast 3" or better of velvet starting.
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