Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Caterer / mobile grill Strawberry Point Area

    Old School catering out of St. Olaf. Great food. 641-590-0884 Check them out on facebook.
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    Which Vacuum Sealer

    Check on Cabela's website and read some of the reviews.
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    Need help!!! Tracking buck shot with muzzleloader in shoulder

    Where is all the ego in this thread? I am not seeing it.
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    Need help!!! Tracking buck shot with muzzleloader in shoulder

    Why are you trying to punch through the shoulder? Check out the anatomy of a deer and go behind it. I would change to different bullets or head shoot them. Don't go to far then.:)
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    Head shaker

    Wife works at a convenience store, between 2-10 pm beer sales were 2 out of 3 purchases. Mostly people deer hunting.
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    Deer movement vs Early cold snap??

    Bucks on my camera last night were checking the scrape from 8-11 pm. Have had several opportunities at nice bucks the last few days but no shooters.
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    My rainy Saturday

    Go Brewers!!!!
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    Frozen Morels

    Blanche them and pressure cook them. Stores in jars for years.
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    Snowmobiles NE Iowa

    A lot are high school age to 24. Definitely no shortage and always riding in groups.
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    Ice Fishing Mississippi River

    20 inches of ice is what I have been on several different bodies of water.
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    Lodging near West Union?

    TJ's Pizza in Clermont is good also. The Irish Shanti in Gunder is a must stop also.
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    Two Injured During Final Shotgun Deer Season

    Your comment on how many are hit by arrows is comparing apples to oranges. Answer this, how many more are hurt while falling out of treestands? Higher statistics for bowhunting accidents/deaths than gun.
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    Reg ???

    You can buy an antlerless tag for late muzzy in certain counties.
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    Northeast Iowa Guys.

    I have had the picture also.
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    Deer population

    Time to limit the number of tags that you can buy to only 3, gun, bow, and one antlerless. Too many people buying tags just to kill and then donating to HUSH. Maybe limiting how many you could donate to them also.
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    Hoop nets are by far the easiest way to catch them. I use fresh carp and a piece of liver. Place while still frozen bait as the water warms and sours it fast. If it was close I would help you out.
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    Chasing Tail

    Looks stupid, seem to shoot only bucks and not help the population any.
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    Avoiding change VS managing it

    I think that NR that don't fill a doe tag while hunting shouldn't be allowed to apply for 5 years. A lot of land that is off limits(leased or owned) never sees the pressure and that is why there are areas overpopulated with deer. And these does need tagged by a DNR agent to prove instead of a...
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    coyote hunters and their dogs.

    I guess the dog will be kept where it belongs then.
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