Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. I

    Hows your gun season going?

    Marion county was absolutely nuts. It reall was WWIII! I heard hundreds of shots. No joke. People were unloading their guns all around me and my two buddies. We sat in stands all day. I saw probably 15-18 deer. My buddies saw none! None of us even fired a round.
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    Warren County 1st season

    I'm on board with the pockets concept. I hunt Marion county some, which was supposedly hit pretty hard. My lease is split by a creek that was pretty much just stagnant puddles most of the summer. It had a little flow most of the time, but not much at all. I never found a single dead deer along...
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    Shotgun 1

    Haha sorry I'm on my phone and didn't zoom in enough to see your big cheesy grin!
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    Shotgun 1

    Doesn't mean the bigger bucks won't filter in or at least through when the pressure hits. Plus we are in the Midwest. There are 130 class deer everywhere wether people see them or not
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    Shotgun 1 or 2 ?

    I've talked to a few guys at work as well and the say second season is better for stand hunting. First season, most people are putting on drives. But then again, you never know when they will push a deer right by you...
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    Shotgun 1 or 2 ?

    I've kind of been waiting for someone to ask, but it hasn't happened yet. So which season is most likely to produce an opportunity for a nice buck if I am stand hunting? This will be my first iowa shotgun season and I'm not sure if I'd rather hunt shotgun 1 or 2. Which has better action...
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    New Binos

    I bought the regular diamondbacks this year. I like them. Come on a nice hard case with strap and a padded strap for the binos themselves. Also come with lense covers but I already lost one of the covers for the larger ends. The eye cover is good. End covers fall off easily. I'm not overly...
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    Successful Indiana Trip

    Thanks everyone! The brows really set this deer apart. I've talked to several guys that all say they've never seen anything like it. He sure is going to look good on the wall! And $300 for a shoulder mount is pretty sweet, especially since I know the guy does great work.
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    Trail cams

    http://iowawhitetail.com/forum/showthread.php?t=42926 I think I wrote the last review in this thread. I really like my moultrie m80-xt. For me, the best features are: long battery life (mine lasted about 7 weeks with regular AA batteries), low delay time ( I use 5 seconds), and burst mode ( I...
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    I too use the Beman ICS Hunter 340's. I had one break off because the deer ran close by a tree and snapped it off. This day in age, arrows shouldn't be breaking during shots or when shooting animals, besides some of the weird bone hits. That said, you should always inspect your arrows. I've...
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    Lone wolf alpha/climbing sticks deal

    I would be very cautious of the equipment that LW rejected honestly. Aluminum is a great material for stands since its light, strong, and resistant to harsh environments. BUT cast aluminum can be very dangerous in this type of application. Unlike steel (usually), cast aluminum is porous...
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    Latest Card Pul

    Yep. 135-140. Looks like a mature buck. Big body, swollen neck, and a big ol noggin. Eyes look really far apart as well
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    Lone wolf alpha/climbing sticks deal

    They equipment I bought was all quality lone wolf equipment. I set it all up in my back yard. I sent a couple messages to the seller and his responses were very timely and honest.
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    apple tree

    Make sure to put something around your trees to protect them. Nothing like working hard to keep your young trees healthy, only to have them rubbed by a buck or accidentally mowed over or something.
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    Successful Indiana Trip

    I took three days of vacation this week, so I could come home to Indiana and spend some time hunting and some extra time with my family. I was hunting with my best friend this past saturday evening on his property. He put me in an area with a lot of deer, but no stands or good ground positions...
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    Tree stand safety harness FREE

    I think I have 4 brand new ones in my garage, all from stands I bought this year. Pm me your name and address and ill ship them out USPS for free.
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    Action is hot in western ia

    Nice deer! That's a shooter to me. Maybe it's just the pic but he looks bigger than 134
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    Lone wolf alpha/climbing sticks deal

    Everything looks legit to me. It's item # 121000880808
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    Lone wolf alpha/climbing sticks deal

    I sure hope its not out of that lot. I do t think it is since the pictures in the auction show the brown straps and brown seat post. Seller runs a hunting gear business and states that he buys most equipment directly from manufacturers. I will be sure to check everything out though. Also, your...
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    Lone wolf alpha/climbing sticks deal

    Well I'm going to be hunting in some different places and I figured I could use a more portable setup. I bought the alpha ii and 3 climbing sticks on eBay for $360. Everything is brand new. No taxes and free shipping. I have never seen a store with lone wolf products lower that retail prices, so...
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