Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. I

    Buck down!!

    Thanks! Man he would have been a big boy in a year or two. Oh well, hunting such a small property, ya never know if he would have even made to next year. I'm happy with him!
  2. I

    First deer with a stick and string!

    Nice work! This reminds me of a doe I shot last year with my muzzleloader. I had already filled my buck tag so I was walking out to my stand in the morning when it was already light. I was walking across a field and i notice about 40 yards away, in the edge of the woods next to me stood a doe...
  3. I

    First Buck Ever

    That's a great first buck! Congratulations!
  4. I

    Movement for 11-5?

    While you all where in the stand, I was busy taking last nights kill to Milo and the head to a taxidermy. I was amazed by how many deer I saw on the way home at about 330 to 4. Driving along I35, HWY 5, HWY 65. Tons of deer out. Saw one nice buck cruising 50 yards off the interstate along a...
  5. I

    Hit Buck

    That's what I was thinking.... Good blood for the better part of a mile, I'd guess his low blood light was on and he hunkered down for a LONG nap
  6. I

    What am I doing wrong?

    Hmm I'd figure out where they go for food and either hunt the food or between the food source and the bedding areas. Deer can get a drink anywhere along a river. And they don't stay there long. On the other hand, deer feed for much longer periods of time so you are more likely to see them. Thats...
  7. I

    What am I doing wrong?

    What do you know about the area? bedding areas? food? where deer enter and exit your stand area? You are plenty high and it looks like you arent too exposed. I'd say sit there whenever the wind is right if you don't have anywhere better to go. Then maybe hang a stand in another spot around...
  8. I

    Hit Buck

    If he ran that far and you had blood most of the way, wouldn't he have pretty much bled out? That long ago, yotes surely drug him off somewhere by now.
  9. I

    Buck down!!

    Thank you for all the compliments! Can anybody tell me Age and score?
  10. I

    Buck down!!

    I'm just very thankful it was a clean kill. I've shot 4 deer with my bow. I have not missed one yet, and all have been clean kills. I got lucky on this one though. This was my furthest shot on a deer with a bow. And a horrible shot at that. I must have jerked and the whisker biscuit isn't good...
  11. I

    Urban Deer Hunting

    Ohhh you are talking about the DMZ thing. Yeah I'm outside of that.
  12. I

    Urban Deer Hunting

    Where can I find information on this? I was outside city limits. What classifies an area as " urban?"
  13. I

    Buck down!!

    Yeah it was full of blood. It had all turned into jello by the time I gutted him.
  14. I

    Buck down!!

    Last night's post
  15. I

    Buck down!!

    If you can't tell from the title, I'm still a little excited. This is my first Iowa buck. Second buck with a bow and probably my biggest bow buck. Could be close to last year's inch wise. Last night I made a post about urban hunting, which I'll quote below. Anyway, I saw this buck last night...
  16. I

    Urban Deer Hunting

    Good point. Some of those folks are real animal lovers. I love animals... But I also like to eat them.
  17. I

    action today

    Seems like everything is about the same as last weekend. Some chasing, but does are still grouped up. Bucks have not been responsive to any calling for me.
  18. I

    Urban Deer Hunting

    Haha yeah I made a a lot of noise when I let my bow down cause we were in a tiny blind that I can barely even draw back in. That deer didn't even look at me. Just kept doin what he was doin. I would think these deer would be almost fully nocturnal but apparently not
  19. I

    Daylight savings time?

    I had to will myself out of bed this morning. Hunting day after day is tiring!
  20. I

    Urban Deer Hunting

    Hey guys, So I have a story, and I'd love to get some tips. I got my buddy into hunting this fall, kinda. He bought a bow and practices with me, but he doesn't have his hunter ED yet so he cant kill anything. Anyway, he has about 8 acres of woods just on the outskirts of Des Moines, just...
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