Is that for a house or ground? If someone can get a 10yr note at 1.31% that's really good. If I my ask did you find a bank to give you that low? Or am I not understanding you right
I agree if I had to loose all my deer to know that it would never come back I could deal with it. The problem is it can still spread in afterwards. It's just a non winning situation that needs a better answer to make more sense to me and others I've talked
Hey sligh just so you know talked to 3 different DNR this fall and they all thought northern Clarke got hit the worst but since most people in the county don't report the deer they didn't get much acknowledgement. I don't care but just passing the word. I have a farm in the ne Clarke and it was...
The problem I got is there nothing we can probably do about either but the only idea they got to control cwd is killing them all. I get so pissed off when you here they are going to put a pile of corn and just shoot everything. Now I don't know but can't imagine they put a pile out and shoot the...
I just want to start off by saying I'm not really political at all. I have always been a person that says my vote doesn't matter.
That being said I am for Trump but don't agree with everything he says or tweets. I like though how like said above that he is the only president in a long time...
I want to say that I totally understand that dogs can't read. I have been on the the wrong end and have had friends on the wrong end a lot. I think there is just some bad apples ruining it for everyone else.
That being said I still think people need to be held responsible especially on...
Have 3 solos. All are probably 5 to 6 yrs old. Have a lawn care company and get used a lot. Replaced the top seal in them but otherwise been great sprayers. Replaced a wand to I guess but been very pleased with them
In Clarke I talked to 3 DNR and said North Central n east was absolutely horrible. On a 120acre public found 8 dead ehd n obviously not looking for them. Place where we see 30-50 deer only seen 3. On our farm had 10 target bucks for this yr only got 1 pic on Aug 13 than nothing. I'm just saying...
Been doing lawn care for a long time dad did it for 30 plus yrs. Depending on where u live but I wouldn't. I tried talking a friend out of planting his on Oct 1st. There is only a few sprouts of rye. We r in NW Iowa. If ur going to frost seed u need to wait to ground temp is colder
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