Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Huntinguy

    Interest rates, farm financing, mortgage rates, etc

    I can get a 15yr note for 2.375% today. It's a win for us
  2. Huntinguy

    Interest rates, farm financing, mortgage rates, etc

    Okay figured that couldn't be what the banks are giving otherwise sign me up!
  3. Huntinguy

    Interest rates, farm financing, mortgage rates, etc

    Is that for a house or ground? If someone can get a 10yr note at 1.31% that's really good. If I my ask did you find a bank to give you that low? Or am I not understanding you right
  4. Huntinguy

    CWD Hits close to home

    I agree if I had to loose all my deer to know that it would never come back I could deal with it. The problem is it can still spread in afterwards. It's just a non winning situation that needs a better answer to make more sense to me and others I've talked
  5. Huntinguy

    Senate version of NRLO bill SSB 3129

    Hey sligh just so you know talked to 3 different DNR this fall and they all thought northern Clarke got hit the worst but since most people in the county don't report the deer they didn't get much acknowledgement. I don't care but just passing the word. I have a farm in the ne Clarke and it was...
  6. Huntinguy

    CWD Hits close to home

    The problem I got is there nothing we can probably do about either but the only idea they got to control cwd is killing them all. I get so pissed off when you here they are going to put a pile of corn and just shoot everything. Now I don't know but can't imagine they put a pile out and shoot the...
  7. Huntinguy

    Off topic, maybe controversial but a lot of fun & excitement!!!!

    I just want to start off by saying I'm not really political at all. I have always been a person that says my vote doesn't matter. That being said I am for Trump but don't agree with everything he says or tweets. I like though how like said above that he is the only president in a long time...
  8. Huntinguy

    Using dogs while fur harvesting HF 2174

    I want to say that I totally understand that dogs can't read. I have been on the the wrong end and have had friends on the wrong end a lot. I think there is just some bad apples ruining it for everyone else. That being said I still think people need to be held responsible especially on...
  9. Huntinguy

    Standard time SF2020

    I hate DSL think it's such a waste of time. Than have kids n it takes it to another level of hate.
  10. Huntinguy

    Trail cam longevity

    Have some coverts still going after 6yrs but most dropping fast to. Browning's been good for me n if they fail they have a 3yr warranty
  11. Huntinguy

    Best Back Pack SPRAYER?? STIHL?

    Have 3 solos. All are probably 5 to 6 yrs old. Have a lawn care company and get used a lot. Replaced the top seal in them but otherwise been great sprayers. Replaced a wand to I guess but been very pleased with them
  12. Huntinguy

    Shotgun Scope recommendations

    I got a vortex 2x8 diamondback. It's a great scope
  13. Huntinguy

    I've talked to quite a few.......

    In Clarke I talked to 3 DNR and said North Central n east was absolutely horrible. On a 120acre public found 8 dead ehd n obviously not looking for them. Place where we see 30-50 deer only seen 3. On our farm had 10 target bucks for this yr only got 1 pic on Aug 13 than nothing. I'm just saying...
  14. Huntinguy

    I've talked to quite a few.......

    Hunted in Clarke co n numbers were drastically down!
  15. Huntinguy

    Mathews No Cam HTR Snow Camo

    Bump he's open to offers
  16. Huntinguy

    Vortex Diamondback 10X42

    Have a pair and agree with Lyon bc they r great in Iowa. Clear glass for the price. My dad has the vipers and there is little difference
  17. Huntinguy

    Browning trail cam

    Scheels has got some great deals on them n they r great cams got over 10. Couple went bad and they warranty them out 3 yr warranty
  18. Huntinguy

    Seeding Your Lawn

    Been doing lawn care for a long time dad did it for 30 plus yrs. Depending on where u live but I wouldn't. I tried talking a friend out of planting his on Oct 1st. There is only a few sprouts of rye. We r in NW Iowa. If ur going to frost seed u need to wait to ground temp is colder
  19. Huntinguy

    Mathews No Cam HTR Snow Camo

    Still for sale open to offers
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