I have three years left on one of my places through contract. The farmer that I bought it from didn't want the lump sum do to taxes. It is a ten year contract I gave him 10% down at the time and pay him once a year. We agreed on the interest rate he took it to his lawyer and had it all drawn...
There was a little misunderstanding with the guy that combined our beans this year and he ended up picking the beans that were suppose to be left for the food plot. Is there anything that I can plant now that will be in by the time it's to cold for anything to grow? It is not necessarily to...
I've had really good luck with the ones I planted a couple of years ago. The ones that didn't get hammered by the deer last winter are easily 15' tall and growing like crazy. I have a soaker hose to them as well but haven't used it at all this year with all the rain we've had.
When I enrolled my timber in the reserve program I had to pay the county $200 to enroll it. My dad has timber that runs into mine and when he enrolled his a few years back there was no fee. Anyone on here pay a fee? If I remember right it was a inspection fee or something of that sort.
Thanks for the heads up on this Sligh. I called the guy and took the planter. He told me he had told another guy $250 so I told him I would take it for that. Even if it does need some repair I will be along ways ahead on it. The previous owner had used it in the current condition so it does...
Stihl's number one selling saw. MS290
You can go up to a 20" bar. 16in. starts at $359 18" is $369 and 20" is $389. It is a mid range use saw so you don't pay the pro price but get a heavier duty saw than the occasional use class. I have one with the 20" I use it for felling and bigger wood...
I wouldn't have waited for the game warden. If it's confident enought to be in my barn I'm confident enough to kill it.
I find it odd that these things go into out buldings like this. The one that was shot over here in Marengo earlier this year had been in all the out buildings except the...
We picked one up out of the Truck N Tractor magazine that is distributed in SE Iowa. We bought it three years ago and paid $1500 for it. JD 7000 in great shape. Should last forever for us.
Depends how much wood you are cutting. I burn 10-12 cord a year and have a Stihl MS290 I think they are about $380-$400. If you are cutting a decent amount of wood I would go with a better saw it will save you in the long run. I have a 20" bar on mine, a 18" would be alot of fun to cut with.
Using a landowner tag you can get up to three buck tags. Example
My tags this year are Paid bow, Landowner shotgun, and I can still purchase a late muzz or paid shotgun if wanted.
If you go to this link https://www4.wildlifelicense.com/ia/start.php you can choose which license you want...
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