Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Dolph

    more youth success

    Great job! congrats!!
  2. Dolph

    Strung or unstrung ?

    I unstring my recurve everytime I'm done hunting. I do not have a case for a strung up bow and in Wisconsin they have to be unstrung in the vehicle.
  3. Dolph

    Ohio Brute

    Great buck!! Love the kickstand!! Congrats!!
  4. Dolph

    Bbd baby

    Great first buck!! Way to go!!
  5. Dolph

    Deer Decoy????

    I like the Delta decoy the best. It is quite, all the legs, antlers, etc. store in the body cavity. Easy in and out. I have not tried the new Primos Scarface. I've heard mixed reviews on it. I just do not like the hard shell bodied decoys. My buddy has one of those and likes it, personal choice...
  6. Dolph

    Daughter's First Hunt

    That is great stuff!! It's not about the harvest but about these memories that will last forever. I have always taken my 4 duaghters out with me. They still talk about duck hunts when they were young and other hunts just sitting in the woods. 2 of them are in their early 20's now and the other 2...
  7. Dolph

    Friend Chad sticks a buck...

    Way to go!! Congrats!!
  8. Dolph

    Luke connects in youth season

    AWESOME!! Congrats!! What a great buck!!
  9. Dolph

    I think I will hunt this one.

    Very nice. Great picture!!
  10. Dolph

    Young 14?

    I agree, 3.5. Very nice buck!!
  11. Dolph

    unique brows

    Very nice!! Love the brows!!
  12. Opening Weekend In Wisconsin

    Opening Weekend In Wisconsin

    Success opening weekend in Northern Wisconsin. My buddies and I got this doe opeing evening. I got the kill on video as well.
  13. Opening Weekend In Wisconsin

    Opening Weekend In Wisconsin

    Success opening weekend in Northern Wisconsin. My buddies and I got this doe opeing evening. I got the kill on video as well.
  14. Opening Weekend In Wisconsin

    Opening Weekend In Wisconsin

    Success opening weekend in Northern Wisconsin. My buddies and I got this doe opeing evening. I got the kill on video as well.
  15. Dolph

    iowa whitetail total years of bowhunting expe

    35 for me. I think Wind Walker forgot to add his in so I did. We are up to 3,185 now!!
  16. Dolph

    Shotgun buck is back

    Great buck and mounting job!! Congrats!!
  17. Dolph

    little girl, BIG BUCK

    Very cool!! Congrats!! I love her smile. She'll wear that smile for the rest of her life!!
  18. Dolph


    Good luck and be safe!! I've got a week to go here!! Cannot wait!
  19. Dolph


    That's amazing video!! Thanks for sharing. I am surprised that she takes that abuse.
  20. Dolph


    Great pictures again!! Thanks for sharing.
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