Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Dolph

    Favre for the Vikes

    Being a loyal Packer fan forever it was really hard to see him put on that dreaded Viking's helmet!! That hurt bad. I understand his desire to play I guess and can not wait for the Packers to pick him off a bunch of times!! Very sad though. I do agree with Adam though, (it won't happen...
  2. Dolph

    A few Public Land bucks

    That is a great buck!! Public land works. I shot my P&Y on public, 153" and change and missed a 170" plus the next year on public!! Good job!!
  3. Dolph

    Stuff aerial photos show you

    Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
  4. Dolph

    Big 12

    WOW!! Unreal!! Those G-2's are amazing!! Thanks for sharing!! Good luck getting him this Fall.
  5. Dolph

    Two More Nice Bucks

    Great pics and great bucks!! Good luck getting one of them. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Dolph

    The Judge round two!!!

    Great pics!! Thanks for sharing.
  7. Dolph

    summer projects

    Nice!! Good job!!
  8. Dolph

    The Judge!!!

    Great buck. Thanks for sharing!!
  9. Dolph

    If you could....

    I am partial to the Scout Guard. We used to build our own for 5 years and they were ok, but then found the Scout Guards and now became dealers for them. Small, amazing battery life, great pictures and video and easy to use. All for around $200. We couldn't build our own for that price...
  10. Dolph

    Stickers July-August Growth

    NICE!! Thanks
  11. Dolph

    The HeartAttck Buck!!

    WOW!! What a great deer!!
  12. Dolph

    Favorite Fall Plot?

    Thanks Loneranger. It is good stuff. It is a robust barley and then winter rye. 20% of each and then the brassicas.
  13. Dolph

    another card pull. impressive 8

    Great 8!! The other buck too. Again, I am getting soooo pumped up!! Thanks for posting.
  14. Dolph

    Still no pics of the one I'm after...

    Holy cow does that get me pumped!! I cannot imagine the one you're after!! Thanks for sharing!!
  15. Dolph

    Unique Buck

    Very cool!!
  16. Dolph

    Favorite Fall Plot?

    I love our Fall Fusion mix with barley and winter rye as well as brassicas in it. Good for early and late bowseason as well as into the gun season and winter. Also, the deer oats.
  17. Dolph

    Beautiful Wisconsin Farm!

    Very nice!!
  18. Dolph

    Familiar face.

    Great pics!!
  19. Dolph

    Finally hung him up.

    Looks great!! Good call on getting him mounted. Beautiful buck!!
  20. Dolph

    Where to buy Scoutguard cams?

    Or we have them Evil X. Let me know. Shoot me a pm. Thanks
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