Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shredder

    Getting Good Pictures

    July thru march is the best for me.
  2. Shredder

    My First AR!

    http://www.nikonhunting.com/products/riflescopes/m-223/4-16x42_BDC_600/8493 This looks like a good one but it runs about 500...the 3-12 X42 version runs 460 or so.
  3. Shredder

    My First AR!

    Rock rivers are nice guns. I have the RRA ATH Carbine and just love it. Whatcha gonna put on top of it for optics?
  4. Shredder

    old buck or hold out for a high scoring deer

    Take out the bully and the younger buck sticks around????? I'd can the 8, great buck in the bag and prospective buck for next fall if he sticks around.
  5. Shredder

    Finding .223 Ammo

    I have a 1000 rounds on backorder and never expect the order to be filled. Need to check the farm stored and outdoor stores and buy what they have if you want it.
  6. Shredder

    Public Land - The 80% Hunt

    good days hunt Matt!
  7. Shredder

    Lone wolf alpha/climbing sticks deal

    I have on of the cheap ones and they are a lesser quality for sure on the cast portion of the stand. Other than that...it all appears the same as the Chinese one I bought in 2010.
  8. Shredder

    BH209 Cleaner?

    I've not had an problem and I use good ol bore solvent (Hoppe's?) without any issues. What is not able to come clean? I always had that issue with 777 and that was why I switched to BH209
  9. Shredder

    For Sale .243 Encore Barrel with Scope

    If still available, please send pics to walrathvet@hotmail.com
  10. Shredder

    AZ Elk Hunt Journal 2012

    Best of luck to you the next week or so out there. By the time we are back in internet range, we will be anticipating seeing one of those big bulls with you standing behind it. Be safe and good luck!!!!
  11. Shredder

    14 years

    Awesome Gift!!!!
  12. Shredder

    8 point

    Looks decent to mr...maybe young?
  13. Shredder

    Moose Hunt | Guide Gift

    I would think cash would be the way to go as well.
  14. Shredder

    Heart Breaker Buck (Video)

    Looks like an old injury and he should get around just fine...the injury may be why his rack is the way it is???
  15. Shredder

    AZ Elk Hunt Journal 2012

    I love this post!!!! Keep it coming!!
  16. Shredder

    AZ Elk Hunt Journal 2012

    This has got me pumped for Idaho this year!!!! Best of Luck!!!
  17. Shredder


    Thanks Mike.
  18. Shredder


    Does anybody do that here? I bought a Swarovski 25-50 X 80 HD , UCA camera mount, tripod and balancer for the tripod..I just need to find a suitable camera for the setup now....any help would be great. I want to avoid an SLR camera...just use a point and shoot. Thanks in advance
  19. Shredder

    Viewing Trail Cam Cards with Blackberry

    I have been using my Ipad 2 with an adapter and it is working out great. http://store.apple.com/us/product/MC531ZM/A
  20. Shredder

    AZ Elk Hunt Journal 2012

    That has me all ate up on wanting to set cameras out west..... Keep us updated on what you are getting pics of. Congrats and good luck
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