Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shredder

    Tagged out in South Dakota

    Great Job Randy and Tony!!! way to get er done!
  2. Shredder

    Live from the Classic

    Sorry I missed you Wayne.. I stopped in for a few in between rounds at the state AAU Wrestling and ran into a couple of the great all time members...Dbltree, Gnrner and Moosehunter (Glad I did not run into some of the idiots that post negative stuff here.....Crockett).
  3. 911-2012-01-31 17-06-35 636

    911-2012-01-31 17-06-35 636

  4. Shredder

    In the mood for a black rifle need help

    I bought a RRA ATH Carbine and love it. The collapsible stock allows the kids being able to shoot it well without the reach of the standard stock length. I did put an Aimpoint comp M4 red dot sight on it for the quick shot option and kids like it cause if the dot is on it, the shots gonna hit it.
  5. Shredder

    Thinking about a new pack.

    Eberlestock makes a great pack as well.
  6. Shredder

    Tag issue need help!!

    I always seen to have issues if I go into the store to buy them.
  7. Shredder

    public land muzzleloading

    Late season is all about food and if the deer are using it. Best i could say is apply and hunt.
  8. Shredder

    Cull buck

    Ur cull buck is a cool buck!
  9. Shredder

    233 1/8 4 beamed bow kill

    Same look Chuck Norris gives before he kicks your butt. Great Buck.
  10. Shredder

    Hope he makes it

    Could have got it cut on the fence????
  11. Shredder

    My 195 Typical Archery Buck 2011

    Great Buck!!!!!
  12. Shredder

    GoreTex Gaiters Amazed!!

    I'm right with you Liv4rut with the gaiters. I have 2 pair of the OR crocodiles, i pair of sitka, and one pair of kenetrek...tough to beat, all are durable and reasonably quiet
  13. Shredder

    Iowa vs. Iowa State Wrestling Dual; On TV?

    Hawks spanked the clowns.....
  14. Shredder

    Asked and answered

    I have several of the Reconyx HC600 cams and they always seem to be looking at the camera after the first picture in the pitch black of night. I would say they can at least see something from it. I sure can't hear it cycle loud enough to alert a deer.
  15. Shredder

    Do You Support these Organizations????

    plus Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
  16. Shredder

    A long time coming

    Great Buck Vanilla Gorilla!!!
  17. Shredder

    Ironside's Elk

    Awesome Bull!!!!
  18. Shredder

    Dad's Elk

  19. Shredder

    AZ Muley Governor's Tag Buck

    That is awesome!!
  20. Shredder

    Got lucky out west...

    Great Buck Doug!!!
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