Well see even pasture is a problem...pulled from a wildlife institute website (http://www.wildlifemanagementinstitute.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=157%3Asuspected-culprit-identified-in-cwd-transmission&Itemid=95)
Sick animals will still be around the healthy...
Fine but the law needs to run across the board including standing grain cereal grain plots (Corn, Wheat, Milo, Beans.....) and the 50 yards from the house crap. Unless those are changed as well, it does absolutely nothing for the prevention of disease. Those in favor of it HAVE to see it that way...
From Tom's Post
Because WE had to START somewhere...so where is it going to stop??????? Letting more government control our actions is one step closer to a lack of freedom.
People have been feeding deer for years in Iowa and have yet to have a problem I have heard of...or it would have...
Bring on the explanation now then...but I am pretty sure I'm not going to hear something and say I see a valid point with it. Do they just have to regroup and make up a good excuse for BS?
One more way the insurance company has to reduce the population....this stuff doesn't occur unless there is a bait pile there.....and these two are spreading brucellosis....
IMHO there actually there isn't. Both are used to draw wildlife to a certain area...the food plot just covers a larger area. Standing corn or beans, turnips, brassicas, etc etc.....it is food left on the ground for the wildlife to consume hence drawing them in or "Baiting" per se. Just looking...
In order for it to make sense, they will have to do this as well. No more paying the farmer to leave in a little crop, or cleared out timber for a honey hole food plot as all are going to concentrate deer just as the feeder would.
I'll continue to support the IBA but would rather see their...
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