Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Shredder

    Buck Harvest Question

    SHED ANTLERS/SPLIT SKULLS Shed antlers, as well as any set of antlers with a split skull plate, are not eligible for entry in the Club’s Awards Programs and/or records books, regardless of how well they have been restored to their original condition. This is because the inside spread...
  2. Shredder

    1st Bobcat

    Cat for sure. I have lost count on the number I have caught on cams in the last 3 years. I have yet to catch a cougar tho....:)
  3. Shredder

    December card pull

    real nice pictures
  4. Shredder

    Smart Phone! Who has one?

    Blackberry curve here. I always have to have mine with me.
  5. Shredder


    Awesome hunt. Way to battle the conditions. Congrats
  6. Shredder

    Double Throat Patch heavy ten

    Awesome buck!!!!! Congrats on the kill
  7. Shredder

    Iowa Governors Tags

    Moosehunter is dead on!!!!
  8. Shredder

    Appanoose Co? Deep analysis- too much!

    Mid 150 will be the max in my area for better than 90% of the mature deer taken. A lot of them barely break the 140 mark. I study deer in my area year round and can say I have only seen 1 deer that would break the 200 mark in the last 5 years, a couple in the 180 range and a maybe a dozen or so...
  9. Shredder

    Anyone Heard About The GIANT 8 By Colfax??

    I have seen a 186 gross 8 pointer and it was really unbelievable. Netted in the mid 170's 200 inch would be scary huge
  10. Shredder

    Bobcat and Wolf Kill photos

    I'm no zoologist but I think that is a Mulie as well.... Blacktail on top
  11. Shredder

    Bobcat and Wolf Kill photos

    That is a bobcat if I have ever seen one....cold weather coat. As for the wispy hairs on the ear tips, both have them. I killed 2 in Missouri years ago and checked them before I made the edit just to make sure.
  12. Shredder

    Opening Day Muzz Kill

    Great buck!!!!!
  13. Shredder

    I need new boots

    If you like the Danner trophy boots, you would like the Danner Canadians as well. Look almost identical
  14. Shredder

    I need new boots

    Danner Elk-hunters from Cabela"s will get you through the season and when it is really cold, the Arctic Shield boot insulators carry through the brutal cold.
  15. Shredder

    # of IA. Hunters Declining

    See how much it declines if they open the NR quota or give NR landowners special access to tags. I already see it as a lack of access to areas as a lot of decline and I am not in a pheasant area of Iowa but where I used to go chasing them, I haven't seen one in years
  16. Shredder

    Muzzleloader / Decoy?

    Mid October to mid November is the best times for one. ANything outside of that and the bucks really won't care much to investigate and as others have said, most does hate them and will clear a field in a short period of time
  17. Shredder

    Heard of a huge typical by Dunlap?

    It is easy to access the PMA...great deer btw :)
  18. Shredder

    welcome to iowa... home of the Drugeyes

    I still can't find a link to any facts discussed here other than DJK???
  19. Shredder

    More poachers busted in iowa.

    I wish there were a 145 less squirrels where I hunt, might save a shed or two
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