Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Doves and coyotes

    Went out today to scout some dove plots. While driving I saw a black squirrel and thought that was pretty neat. 50 yards from the parking lot on state ground I had a coyote paralleling me and I couldn't get stopped and ready to get a shot off in the hay field. I carried the AR with me in case I...
  2. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Tanners Turkey

    Congrats to Tanner, and congrats to you for sharing the land to allow him to enjoy the great outdoors.
  3. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Daughter's First Turkey

    It's a repeat but that quite an amazing shot let alone a young hunter and a first kill. She accomplished a lot of things on that hunt. Looks like she had a great instructor.
  4. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Windy Day Tom

    Awesome, now I don't feel so bad about going back to the gun. I didn't fan one but I bet it's quite the rush to have them storming in on you. I don't think I could let them get under 20 yards out of fear of getting spurred. Way to keep at it and find one that worked for ya.
  5. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Multiple deer mount pedestal?

    Here's some of my personal ones I just finished. Everything comes apart for easy movement down the road.
  6. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Hornady 243 Ammo and empty brass

    Dang so far away. Ever get up to Allamakee county by chance?
  7. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Wtb .300 wm

    Gun dog sent you a PM with some info on a guy selling a Remington 700 stainless with ammo for $600.
  8. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    AR 15 for sale.

    Brand new DCA billet lower and PSA upper. 5.56/.223. Comes with one 30 round P-Mag. Located in Waukon, IA 52172. Shoot me a PM on here. $700
  9. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Flashlights, What to buy

    When your out in the middle of no where by yourself at 3:30 AM looking for someone ejected from a car crash or a bad guy it's good to have one of the best. That's why I said it may not be for some people. So far it's been amazing and solid in performance. Times prior to getting it that I would...
  10. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    what form?

    I'm not trying to hassle you man. A warden could cause you grief. Most are cool and wouldn't raise a stink. I've wrapped legs and had the tags fall off in the Classic Iowa weather like we're having right now. It's a nice buck and that's why I wouldn't want to tag it that way to risk getting...
  11. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Flashlights, What to buy

    http://www.sbflashlights.com/L3-Illumination/L3-Illumination-X40-p321.html I have one of these with two sets of batteries and a charger. Pretty amazing light but probably not practical for most. Nice solid metal construction on everything.
  12. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    what form?

    Good thing you didn't run into to a game warden who's a "by the book warden" with the way those antlers are tagged. In regards to your original question I'd consider where it's going to be placed. Normally a rack has a certain unique thing you want to show so I turn it to accent that. Your...
  13. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    2nd season went great!

    Nice job. Sounds like you put some work in and got rewarded. Congrats!
  14. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Lockers That Won't Mix Meat

    Me when I do it myself. All kidding aside you could debone it yourself and wait until the off season and bring your meat in to see if they'll run a one off batch. Locker might not like doing it but if they want/need/appreciate the business they'll probably take it and do it. May charge you for...
  15. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Thermacell heated insoles

    If you read the instructions they advise no serious walking with them. I carried them in my pack and slipped them in before I climbed into my stand around 6 am. Ran them on medium heat level by 10am my feet where freezing. If your only going for a couple to few hours they work great. Worked...
  16. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Sitka tool bucket

    I bought a pack from jjclausen prior to him getting this one. Great to deal with so I'm sure this packs just as he describes. Don't need another one or I'd probably consider this one also.
  17. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    Northeast Iowa Guys.

    Hadn't heard about it until now. Sure it will spread like fire with the internet. The bar in Postville is club 51. Nice buck for sure.sorry you didn't get a shot at him Justin.
  18. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    3 year wait

    Awesome buck and hunt. Is that a cable snare around his left antler?
  19. Ted's Taxidermy NE Iowa

    blood trailing question

    If your in Iowa it's written right in the regs. You can track without weapons.
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