Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Hide-the-Hippy

    Congrats to this new Iowa harvest by a 12 year old!

    I believe this is it...and scroll down a ways on the page. http://www.timberlineadventures.tv/team.asp
  2. Hide-the-Hippy

    2011 Muzzy Buck

    Way to go! Congrats!
  3. Hide-the-Hippy

    game cam pics

    Gotta love great trail camera pics! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Hide-the-Hippy

    My kids got it done!

    Awesome! Tell them Congrats!
  5. Hide-the-Hippy

    what mount?

    This one! http://forum.gon.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=412679&stc=1&d=1257983695 I am in the same situation as you, but I will be doing a half sneak.
  6. Hide-the-Hippy

    Got my buck back

    Looks great!! I like it!
  7. Hide-the-Hippy

    Merry Christmas!

    One of the best holiday movie quotes of all time-- "Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, kiss my ass. Kiss his ass. Kiss your a**. Happy Hanukkah."
  8. Hide-the-Hippy

    Blurry Big Dude!

    he looks like he has some nice, tall G2s and brows. thanks for sharing!
  9. Hide-the-Hippy

    8 pointer's that survived our farm so far

    looks like he could be a brute next year!
  10. Hide-the-Hippy

    Plot Watchers

    Cooter- You basically said what I wanted to hear! I want a camera that "takes vidoes" but also acts a camera at night. The idea about the turkey's is a great idea, I have never thought about it like that. My only problem is about the battery life. I think after Christmas is when I'll be...
  11. Hide-the-Hippy

    Plot Watchers

    Does anyone have a plot watcher? If so, likes/dislikes?
  12. Hide-the-Hippy


    .......... :thrwrck: I hate this poaching stories... http://blog.mysanantonio.com/racksnreels/2011/12/13/alleged-minnesota-poacher-shoots-high-fence-buck/ http://www.kttc.com/story/16318387/21-point-buck-shot-stolen-from-breeders-pen
  13. Hide-the-Hippy

    Bones 'n Broadheads - Hit list buck down

    I don't know about you guys, but I feel when I harvest an awesome deer, I have to get a great picture with it. It just shows kinda respect for the deer...but idk, maybe that is just me. Great looking deer though...
  14. Hide-the-Hippy

    Iowa vs. Iowa State Wrestling Dual; On TV?

    hawks are going to be goooooood this year.
  15. Hide-the-Hippy

    Birthday Buck

    dude, nice shot! Congrats on an awesome buck!
  16. Hide-the-Hippy

    Finally, after seven years...

    It's a havoctec.
  17. Hide-the-Hippy

    Finally, after seven years...

    Well, its about damn time! :D I started bow hunting when I was 13 years old. I have missed a few, shot two does, and finally shot my first buck tonight at 4:30. Here's the story... My roommate, Keaton and I, moved a tree stand over to this one new spot late September. We called it the "Willow...
  18. 10 Point Bow Buck

    10 Point Bow Buck

  19. Hide-the-Hippy

    I pooped my pants.

    did anyone else watch more of those jokes?! they are soo funny!
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