Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Walks Alone

    Food Plot Question

    Thanks for all the input everyone. My best estimate would be the plot only gets 4-5 hours of light a day (west sun) so that most likely has a lot to do with it. I talked to local coop about getting a clover blend and that is my plan as of now. Again thanks for the help I appreciate it.
  2. Walks Alone

    Food Plot Question

    I have a food plot located in the middle of a timber and have tried many different blends of turniups and other mixes. They have never growen great but there was always enough food I thought. The deer have never seemed interested in the plot and move throught the timber to the outside food...
  3. Walks Alone

    Cultipacker For Sale

    As long as the tractor has a draw bar or a way to put a hitch pin through the cultipacker it will work fine.
  4. Walks Alone

    Cultipacker For Sale

    Lowered price to $275. Thanks,
  5. Walks Alone

    Cultipacker For Sale

    I have a 48" cultipacker for sale it has newer wood block bearings and is setup for a hitch pin. It is located in Marengo, IA but could be dropped off in Ames or along the way. Built two and only need one. Call or text 319-325-1392 $325 OBO Thanks, Can text pics I can't get them to load.
  6. Walks Alone

    Arctic Cat 650 V Twin

    Is the four wheeler sill available and where can I find the pics?
  7. Walks Alone

    Seat cover recomendations

    I just put a new set on my 2011 Sierra Denali and I got them from Headwaters Seat Covers great covers in many different camo patterns and great guys to deal with. Can send you a pic if you would like to see them.
  8. Walks Alone

    9-2-12 Pull

    First time seeing this guy since January. Was a nine last year with no split G2. What do you guys think he will score?
  9. Walks Alone

    Barnett Buck Commander CRT Crossbow

    Interested wondering if I could get a phone number.
  10. Walks Alone

    Food Plot Cultipacker

    Hey guys I have a small cultipacker for sale poster on craigslist. http://desmoines.craigslist.org/grq/2959939889.html
  11. Walks Alone

    Who will go with me to...........

    Wondering if anyone is going to the one in Ames??
  12. Walks Alone

    NW Nebraska Turkey Help

    Thanks I will look into these areas
  13. Walks Alone

    NW Nebraska Turkey Help

    Hey Guys I was wondering if any one has any advise of public land in NW Nebraska?? We have been looking into heading to Dawes county for a turkey hunt and wondering if any one has been out that way and had any luck?
  14. Walks Alone

    Thanksgiving Week?

    Hey all i have all of thanksgiving week off and I was wondering what your thoughts were about hunting this week, as to how well it will be? Also any tactics that you guys use during this week?
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