I just use a very lightweight, uninsulated Lacrosse. Forget the title of them. They have neoprene uppers I believe. I only prefer them because I cross a lot of creeks that are 12" or deeper. Especially when all the snow is melting and holding water levels up. I do a TON of walking and they...
I'm putting them all on one property. There are two awesome bucks that I want to know for sure if they made it. Odds are in their favor. But you never know.
We got a 48" King Kutter from the local farm store and it has served us very well. These things require a lot of grease. If you buy used, take a good look at the grease fittings to be sure it has been maintained. Personally, I'd go new.
Very good point, Deernut. As for me, I try for the most mature does. Not saying that I won't shoot a tasty looking yearling. But I would rather not have a super smart wary old doe dragging a shooter buck around in my area during the rut. They seem to have a sixth sense about treestand hunters it...
I currently shoot the Z7 Extreme and like it so much that I have no plans to upgrade any time soon. The price seems fair, given everything that is included. Honestly I don't think you will be disappointed at all.
I try to be optimistic, but that does not look good at all to me. Best of luck to that deer. Hopefully you find out one way or the other if he makes it.
I agree with this 100% Also if it is true about a salvage tag being for meat only, then a tag should never ever be issued to a dead head found while shed hunting.
As for the original question, that would be a question to ask your CO if/when that time comes. Whether you choose to continue...
I'm guessing your arrow traveled above the spine on entry, and clipped the top part of one lung on the way out. Based off those pics. Some deer are more resilient to one lung shots than others. Looks like he's a toughy, regardless. Hope you get him!!
Pretty cool encounter! I don't know why deer are so afraid of cats. I've seen a feral cat clear a whole food plot of deer on a couple different occasions. You would have thought that kitty was the boogie man.
I did a morning though about 2 yesterday and didn't see much at all. Driving in the evening I saw quite a few doe groups out feeding. No bucks. Doing an all day sit today. Haven't seen anything yet. Hunting a funnel just inside timber close to bedding. Looks like late season around here.
I have a cam set up over a cluster of trees that gets shredded every year. The biggest being about 6" diameter. Many different bucks hit it. This year I was surprised to see the biggest buck working it thus far was only about 120", when usually I have at least one 150" or better deer in previous...
I also enjoyed your story and your views on Iowa. It's easy for me to take for granted because I have never been on the outside looking in. But I do have to remind myself here and there that some folks would chop their own arm off to enjoy the hunting that we have here. Very well written, and...
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