Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. KnuckleDragr

    Wind Direction -- More important for approach or on stand?

    That's a tough one. I guess for me, I'm spending most my time in the tree, so it makes sense to have the wind better at that time rather than the approach. More often than not, I bump at least one deer every time I walk in anyway. Whether they smell me first or see me. Keep in mind this is...
  2. KnuckleDragr

    Tough Pill

    Your right, it is tough. Been there myself a few times. IMO, it is better to know the outcome, regardless. Still plenty of time to turn your season around. Best of luck.
  3. KnuckleDragr

    Deer heart recipes

    I pickle mine. Some of the best eating there is!!
  4. KnuckleDragr

    Ground Hunt w/ calling -- mobile or not?

    The rain tomorrow will be primo for this tactic. Like mentioned, hang out for half hour, then move. If you can work a creek system, all the better.
  5. KnuckleDragr

    November movement

    Lots of chasing, courting here. Unfortunately all 3 year olds and younger. The only mature buck I've seen was two days ago and he was locked down pretty good.
  6. KnuckleDragr

    November movement

    Saw 4 bucks and 3 does this morning. The biggest one was only about 120-130 or so. Been real slow during midday.
  7. KnuckleDragr

    Cold front

    I'll be out starting Saturday morning and every day though the 22nd if need be.
  8. KnuckleDragr

    What would you do?

    Not to open a can of worms, but I'm only asking because I'm curious myself about this situation. But would this be considered poaching? More than likely, the son in law assumed that he was not trespassing, but in reality, he shot a deer off of property that he did not have permission to be on...
  9. KnuckleDragr

    Blood trailing question

    Great deer! Way to persevere on the recovery!
  10. KnuckleDragr

    Nice Rub, wrong tree

    So I planted this maple tree about 10 years ago with a white pine on either side. The intent was to hopefully hang a stand in it later in life since this seems to be the "magic" spot, but a good tree is lacking. This year the trunk is about 8" diameter, so I opted to remove the fenced enclosure...
  11. KnuckleDragr

    Help needed

    Those would be the next two areas to look before giving up. Also do you run cameras in the area? If so, load up on that property and try to get some pics in the next couple weeks while hunting him as your target.
  12. KnuckleDragr

    When do you start all-day sits?

    This Sunday and every day that I can until I tag out.
  13. KnuckleDragr

    Help needed

    About the best I can say is try to round up some buddies and tear that thicket apart in the morning when you have good light. If it's a fatal hit then hopefully he won't be too far. Just remember to bring your bow for a follow up shot. Just in case. Good luck to you, and hopefully your story...
  14. KnuckleDragr

    Rage Deflection

    Happened to me once with fixed three blade Muzzys. The deer was every so slightly quartering to me. I think it's just bad luck. Nothing to get too discouraged about, unless as mentioned, you find it happened more often.
  15. KnuckleDragr

    HuntnChick's 2015 Buck!

    Congrats! Great story, and an absolute brute of a buck!!
  16. KnuckleDragr

    Stand and Stalk

    Years ago I was working my way to a stand via creek bottom periodically popping out to check for deer, when I saw a good buck some 80ish yards away. I stood behind a tree and tried calling him over. Got his attention, but he started working his way to the creek way up ahead of me. At that point...
  17. KnuckleDragr

    Best days of the rut

    Even though it's during "lock down" Nov 15 has been good to me. Generally, in my best area, the 8th - 12th seems to be best for all day action.
  18. KnuckleDragr

    Moment of truth

    Those things are sure hard on a guys confidence. Just got to stay focused on the prize and brush it off. As mentioned, check your gear. I would give him a few days and try again. You got him pegged right now, and I think if you wait too long his pattern will be changing here pretty soon as we...
  19. KnuckleDragr

    A Couple Shooters

    X2. That second one looks really old.
  20. KnuckleDragr

    Is it a gonner?

    Try a brand new card? I've had the same issues. Frustrating, but they seem to fix themselves after switching to a different card sometimes. I wish I knew what causes this. I did do a software update once and that seemed to help a little. I think I found out about that on Bushnell's forum. Worth...
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