Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. KnuckleDragr

    10-4-2015 Iowa Bow Buck

    Great story! It's amazing how some animals just won't expire like they should. I can think of two of my deer that gave me similar experiences.
  2. KnuckleDragr

    Sligh1 - October 1 Buck, Great Opener! "REST OF THE STORY"....

    Congrats on an incredible buck!! Great to see all your hard work and dedication pay off big time. Definitely sets the bar pretty high early in the season. Well done!!
  3. KnuckleDragr

    10-4-2015 Iowa Bow Buck

    Heck of a great buck there, TH! Congrats!
  4. KnuckleDragr

    Taxidermist Fraud

    So was the work completed, or did he just return your capes and antlers? Either way I'm glad to hear that you were able to recover your belongings.
  5. KnuckleDragr

    Venison prep

    X3 on the silver. That stuff has got to go! As a side note. When running it through the grinder, it tends to clog up the blade depending on how coarse you are grinding. For this reason, I don't even mess with front legs anymore. Get the good shoulder meat off down to the first joint and toss the...
  6. KnuckleDragr

    2015 Archery Buck

    Great buck, congrats!!
  7. KnuckleDragr

    Recommendations for meat locker in DSM area

    Thomas Farms quality Meats on exit 99 on I-35 near Ridgeway, MO. A little further, but well worth it to me.
  8. KnuckleDragr

    Taxidermy advice for the upcoming season

    I second that. I talked briefly with him at the ITA this spring, and could tell right away that he is very trustworthy and definitely someone I will look up to for a long time. Great post, Brian!
  9. KnuckleDragr

    My Taxidermy Experience

    Tell ya what. When you go to fix it, use either bondo or some 2part epoxy to set those feathers rather than hot glue. Much more durable.
  10. KnuckleDragr

    Taxidermist Fraud

    I agree with you, Brian. It just floors me to think that some people would stoop so low as to sell another person's trophy for whatever reason. Let's hope this isn't the case with this situation. As for the OP, definitely find out where this guy is living and pay him a face to face visit...
  11. KnuckleDragr

    B's first buck !

    Congrats on your first, Brayden!!
  12. KnuckleDragr

    Ben's first buck

    Super first buck, Ben!!! Big congrats!
  13. KnuckleDragr

    Early season tactics

    Although I tend to wait until after mid Oct to hunt, IF I were to go early, I would hit big secluded scrapes, or white oak acorns. On the properties that I hunt, I feel like I do more damage than good if I hunt early. To each their own, but I like to keep it fresh until pre rut really gets going.
  14. KnuckleDragr

    Queastion about feeding deer during hunting season

    I personally would empty it or better yet remove the hopper completely. Even if they rule you as being legal, I don't like the thought of someone possibly dropping by to give you a follow up, all the while stomping all over the woods kicking deer around while you try to hunt effectively. Plus if...
  15. KnuckleDragr

    Poison Ivy survey

    I got it bad once and have since been super careful in the woods. Pants, gloves, washing up promptly, etc. Been lucky so far as to avoid the rash. I would not pay for a shot given my "success", but if I broke out in it again, I would pay $500 easily to not have to endure the misery again.
  16. KnuckleDragr

    New Years Eve Buck

    Really nice mount!!
  17. KnuckleDragr

    Timing is key

    Congrats on the addition!!
  18. KnuckleDragr

    Grunt calls

    True talker for me. Never had a freezing issue with this call. Ever. I also have a separate snort wheeze call taped to it as well.
  19. KnuckleDragr

    TeenageHunter's 2015 Texas Hunt Journal

    Nice video, TH. I'm guessing you had a blast.
  20. KnuckleDragr

    Friday Carnage

    Looks spectacular! Especially considering what you started with. Hope you get some rain!
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