Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. KnuckleDragr

    Magnum scrape drip

    Never a bad time to start a scrape, as I've seen deer use them year round. Obviously Sept on through the rut gets much more use. As for products, I've used drippers with not much luck at all. All kinds of different brands of everything over the years. Honestly, anymore I save my money and just...
  2. KnuckleDragr

    Grunt Calls & Rattling

    Well put, Daver. I share your same views. For the OP, as you spend more time in the deer woods you will really pick up on what types of sounds you hear, and at what time of the season. And also how frequent. I like to be generally quiet until late Oct. Then turn it up through mid rut. Then...
  3. KnuckleDragr

    A couple up and comers

    Super potential! Thanks for sharing
  4. KnuckleDragr

    Shoot or Pass?

    Consistently shooting 6 yr olds means your doing something right. I agree with above. If you got bigger deer to hunt, then why not let someone come in early and try to hunt him. May be a good candidate for a youth season hunter.
  5. KnuckleDragr

    Pond fishing

    Wow..what a lunker!!
  6. KnuckleDragr

    Seed storage ?

    Thanks for the input, guys. I'll stick it out for another year and see what happens.
  7. KnuckleDragr

    Seed storage ?

    So I have a five gallon bucket each of AWP and BF oats bought last summer for fall plot that didn't get in. Stored it in my basement where it is cool and dry hoping to plant it this fall. Well...with all the rain and flooding this plot has and is currently experiencing, I am 90% sure that i...
  8. KnuckleDragr

    Picture sorting & viewing fast - Better Program for going through Pictures?? HELP!

    This is how I've always done it from windows xp all the way to windows 8. Of course I'm a tech tard as well and haven't tried it any other way on a PC or laptop so I'm not familiar with other programs.
  9. KnuckleDragr

    TeenageHunter's 2015 Texas Hunt Journal

    Good luck!! Looking forward to your updates!
  10. KnuckleDragr

    Point weight?

    Thanks for the info. I picked up a 60# longbow this spring and I'm trying to pick up as many traditional tips as I can. Definitely a different game. I'll have to check my arrows.
  11. KnuckleDragr

    where why?

    I put 3 out a few weeks ago and haven't checked them yet
  12. KnuckleDragr

    Ipad to check cameras

    I should clarify that I usually just swap cards and go through them at home on the laptop. 2000 pics or so. But during hunting season I'll bring my tablet to go through them after I'm done hunting for the day. Definitely a must for Nov. when I'm at the property for a full week or so and want to...
  13. KnuckleDragr


    I tried a mobile lite device with my phone and wasn't very happy with it. I have since picked up a cheap android tablet with a SD card adapter and love it. I just got tired of bringing a laptop along.
  14. KnuckleDragr

    4 or 5yr old?

    I'll go with 4 this year.
  15. KnuckleDragr

    Pedestal Build Opinions Needed

    Here you go. First is just the plain sand/soil mix. This is one that I added small cut up pieces of switchgrass to and pressed it in before it dried. Hope these help a little.
  16. KnuckleDragr

    Pedestal Build Opinions Needed

    Same here. On a side note... rather than use topsoil, I like to mix some sand in with peat moss and then go the 50% water/glue method. It give the soil a little more character so to speak. Love your idea BTW!
  17. KnuckleDragr

    Anything can happen,,,But?

    Went down on a recon/mowing mission this weekend. There has been so much rain this year in one particular spot that I was getting the ATV stuck in the mud just trying to access the plots (which by the looks of it have been under water for a while). If it ever does dry out, I'll be planting in...
  18. KnuckleDragr

    Disc VS Tiller

    Basically, a tiller will do in one pass what it would take a disk about five passes in alternating directions. From my experience anyhow. And does a much nicer job of creating loose, fluffy soil.
  19. KnuckleDragr

    Disc VS Tiller

    Both if you can afford it. But given the choice, tiller hands down.
  20. KnuckleDragr

    bushnell hd

    If used, try customer service. I had one with the same issue once, but it was brand new so I just returned it to Cabelas for a replacement. I'd be curious to know how Bushnell handles this. Keep us posted.
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