Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. KnuckleDragr

    New resident

    I just upload to the photo bucket app from my phone and then use the laptop if I want to post pics. I even struggled with that at one point in time.
  2. KnuckleDragr

    CW Journal

    Good luck Curtis! Just remember to set up close and call sparingly. A few soft yelps and purrs just before and after fly down is usually plenty to get them headed to you as soon as they hit the ground. Hammer on em too hard too often and you may be in for the all day waiting game. Hope to see...
  3. KnuckleDragr

    New resident

    Mine looks nothing like TH's either. Just text box. Ive been known to be really dumb when it comes to electronics, but I don't think you can do it with my phone (android).
  4. KnuckleDragr

    goggles for prescribed burning?

    I've never tried goggles. I just try to stay out of the smoke if I can help it. I would think an airtight pair such as underwater goggles would be the best bet. I just worry about them fogging up from sweating. Give it a try and let us know if it works.
  5. KnuckleDragr

    New resident

    Welcome! Sounds like you will fit right in. I'm not too familiar with that area, but talk to as many people as you can. You just never know who might be able to put you on some decent ground. Good luck!
  6. KnuckleDragr


    Got my vote as well!
  7. KnuckleDragr

    Clothing Wash Detergent

    I'll use the Scent A Way or Scent Killer type stuff on my outer layers, and go with a cheaper scent free detergent for all other layers such as arm and hammer. Air dry outside is a big thing for me also.
  8. KnuckleDragr

    Trade Arrow for Feathers

    Great looking arrows! I'll let you know if I get any.
  9. KnuckleDragr

    youth season success

    Good feeling to get it done quick. Congrats to the both of you!
  10. KnuckleDragr

    Owen number 2 on day 2

    Way to go!! Big congrats!
  11. KnuckleDragr

    Starting new plots. Question...?

    Just my 2 cents. There are people on here that are WAY more experienced than me but here goes. The cool nighttime temps right now will not do your gly any favors. The warmer it is, the better kill you will have. If your not in a hurry, then wait a little bit Next, if you disc it and let it...
  12. KnuckleDragr

    Set up for Turkeys

    Hot glue, I suppose?
  13. KnuckleDragr

    Nebraska bound!

    I bet its a little more difficult to move around on the birds out there. Looks like you're off to a good start though. Good luck!
  14. KnuckleDragr

    2015 Iowa Taxidermy Show and Competition

    Congratulations on your awards Brian! It was great to meet you, and I'm looking forward to attending in the years to come. If anyone is able to attend this show in the future, by all means try to come and check it out. You won't be disappointed. There are some truly breathtaking mounts on...
  15. KnuckleDragr

    The Hippy's Foto Diary

    Wow! I was totally blown away by this!! World class work, my friend. Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see some more!
  16. KnuckleDragr

    DNR Wildlife Rules: ICN Public Meeting, Feb 25, 2015, 6 -9 PM

    Let me clarify that I'm not complaining one bit. I had every intention of attending, but couldn't. What I meant by my comment was that there are probably many others out there like ourselves that would love to voice their opinions at one of these discussions, but simply don't know that they...
  17. KnuckleDragr

    DNR Wildlife Rules: ICN Public Meeting, Feb 25, 2015, 6 -9 PM

    I did not attend because of other obligations, but honestly, the only way I have ever heard about this is from this site. Not to jab at the DNR, but what kind of advertising is in place for this? Is there something mailed out to those who bought a hunting or fishing license? If so, I must have...
  18. KnuckleDragr

    Turkey Updates

    From Creston to about Melrose, I saw several groups of 5-10 birds along highway 34. Most groups had strutters in them. Can't imagine that they would be gobbling just yet, but won't be long.
  19. KnuckleDragr

    Pulling stands

    This is what I do as well. Unless they are prone to being stolen. In that case they come down as soon as I'm done hunting for the season.
  20. KnuckleDragr

    Another Great Mount!!

    Great looking mount! Congrats!
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