It was shot north of Decorah on private ground.
Gross 244"
Net 239"
23 countable points with some broke off
Many trail camera photos of it...only shot down the road from a 190 class deer that was taken earlier this year!
Shot north of the Decorah..that is my photo! I was the photographer on scene.
That is a Winneshiek county buck!
Check out Northeast Iowa Whitetail Properties on Facebook or Iowa Whitetail Classic for more photos! :D
I have a 2004 Hoyt Magnatec Zr200 for sale.
I purchased the bow used in fall of 2011 and since then harvested seven deer.
The bow will come with a 3-pin cobra sight, stabilizer, and an octane rest.
The bow was restrung with new cables in fall of 2012 with an Anthem Archery Custom String...
As a Cubs fan...not this year but maybe in a few years. I think a unique thing about the Cubs is that they have a lot of talent in the minors. I think that is why the Cards are so good now is because their farm system has been outstanding. Not gunna say the Cubs will win it all in a few...
I can't say that I'm jealous because I'm one of those family members that will get one for graduation! :) I knew my uncle was going to get one for quite some time!
We actually were just talking about my quilt today and mine is going to be similar to this one! Only thing is that she knows how...
I became really close friends with kid from the twin cities while up at Luther.
We started hunting together our freshman year, and he has shot three bucks between bow hunting and shotgun season.
In July we got pictures of this buck we called him Thor. Keaton's exact words were "I want to...
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