Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Hide-the-Hippy

    Walleye from 6/25

    Caught him in Northern Minnesota. There were two guys in the boat jigging for walleyes and I was casting with a bronze colored rapala and caught him on that.
  2. Hide-the-Hippy

    Walleye from 6/25

    It was 27.5" and weighed a little over 7lbs. Here is the picture regularly...I uploaded the first one with my phone, I apologize!
  3. Walleye 6/25

    Walleye 6/25

  4. Hide-the-Hippy

    Walleye from 6/25

    Im uploading this from my phone, hopefully things go good. The pictures might come out sideways...hopefully it doesn't. But I caught this guy early this morning.
  5. Hide-the-Hippy

    Boundary Waters

    We made our annual trip up to the Boundary Waters again this year. We put in on Gabbro Lake (about a half hour away from Ely, MN.) We put on a Friday morning and came on Tuesday (6/12). We spent our first night on Turtle Lake, second and third night on Gull Lake, and our fourth night on Gabbro...
  6. Boundary Waters

    Boundary Waters

  7. Boundary Waters

    Boundary Waters

  8. Boundary Waters

    Boundary Waters

  9. Boundary Waters

    Boundary Waters

  10. Boundary Waters

    Boundary Waters

  11. Hide-the-Hippy

    off season

    Fishing and of course Men's league softball! I'm on two softball teams and a baseball town-team that plays on Sunday afternoons. But for hunting wise, running cams, trimming/clearing up stands, food plots, all that fun stuff.
  12. Hide-the-Hippy

    can i still go?

    I might be wrong on this... But if you carry your license with you..you can call and touch the harvested bird. But if not, if you have no proof of anything, then the only thing you can do is watch and film. You can't even touch the harvested bird. I might be slightly wrong on that...
  13. Hide-the-Hippy

    Makeover for Helen

    I mostly brushed it. Therefore, it took some time. For the head, I used like a powdered blue...and mixed it with a hint of white. The beak, I just left the same. No touch up there. For the body I just basically planted it all black. But when it came to the tail, you really cannot tell from the...
  14. Hide-the-Hippy

    Makeover for Helen

    I decided to give a makeover to my one of my hen decoys. I have been meaning to do it for a long time and after seeing some posts, I figured today would be a good day. I touched up pretty much everything but the legs. Let me know what you guys think...anything to add for detail? Here is...
  15. Helen Makeover

    Helen Makeover

  16. Helen Makeover

    Helen Makeover

  17. Hide-the-Hippy

    Something rubs me wrong

    Mine have already been said.... Pawn Stars, River Monsters, Swamp People.... But...this may not fit the category... The Big Bang Theory. All time favorite.
  18. Hide-the-Hippy

    First time with trail cams

    I bet you can't wait until this late summer and early fall catching some bucks on camera! That's always fun! For me, I like to leave my camera up 2-3 weeks. The longer, the better. Because you have less human activity and when there is less human activity, there is less human scent. That is...
  19. Hide-the-Hippy

    Bad day icefishing

    Haha, this is great!
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