Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Justhunt87

    Snapchat Contacts

    Dylankral is mine
  2. Justhunt87

    Hornady SST 300 gr & Federal BOR Lock

    SST's are super accurate but no expansion. I shoot the Barnes Spitfire TMZ's with Harvestor sabots out too 300yds with 78 weighed grains of Blackhorn powder. My encore loves this set up.
  3. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    No we are full. Thanks for asking tho
  4. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    Need 1 more anyone interested? 50.00 buy in. 10 team league. PPR scoring.
  5. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    Still waiting on replies from Jbohn and BDAHMS.
  6. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    Pm's sent to everyone that said they'd play.
  7. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    Do I need to lower the buy in for more people??
  8. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    Needing 1 more I believe
  9. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    Yeah we'll do a ppr league with percent point scoring and bonuses . $50.00 buy in.
  10. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    What's everyone wanna do for a buy in?
  11. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    I was thinking draft.
  12. Justhunt87

    IowaWhitetail Fantasy Football League?

    Anybody interested in doing an IowaWhitetail fantasy league? 10 Team group. Possible buy in?
  13. Justhunt87

    Hunting Clothes, Sitka, Grey Wolf, ECT...

    Are you sure that's not a stratus jacket. I thought the fanatic had the zipper start on the side.
  14. Justhunt87

    1990 Lund Stinger 1600

    I'm selling my 1990 Lund Stinger 1600. Excellent condition. Comes with a Evinrude 35hp motor. Runs excellent. 1990 Shorelandr Roller trailer. Tires have good tread. Brand new spare tire. All lights work. Has load guides. Minn Kota power drive trolling motor on the bow. Eagle fish finder also...
  15. Justhunt87

    2016 iowa taxidermy show pictures

    6x6 I hope you gave Brain a nice tip for that mount!! ;)
  16. Justhunt87

    2016 Iowa Taxidermy show

    Just checked in a couple mounts. It's definitely worth the trip!! Come up and check it out!
  17. Justhunt87

    2016 Iowa Taxidermy show

    Can't wait!!!
  18. Justhunt87

    Sig Sauer 522 rifle

    Give you 100
  19. Justhunt87

    My test result update

    Awesome news!!
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