Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Justhunt87

    2015 Iowa Taxidermy Show and Competition

    Hoping to have one ready to take!
  2. Justhunt87

    Wet nose on mounts

    Mod Podge works very well
  3. Justhunt87

    Grouping problems?!

    I'll make you a great deal on it Joe! Lol
  4. Justhunt87

    Grouping problems?!

    Yes brand new
  5. Justhunt87

    Grouping problems?!

    The bases are casted onto the receiver. I wouldn't think it'd be an ammo problem everything feels tight.
  6. Justhunt87

    Grouping problems?!

    I'm shooting a Ruger M77 17 hmr topped with a Luepold VX3 4-12x40mm. Took it out today to shoot it off the bench started out at 30yds just to get it close and was shooting 8-10 inch groups. So I took the scope off went and exchanged it for a new one put it on and it shoots the same. Checked...
  7. Justhunt87

    Remington Model 700 Ultimate Muzzleloader?

    Anybody have one of these? Just curious on how they are performing?
  8. Justhunt87

    Sitka gear

    Me and my gf both have a few sets! The only down fall is I wish I woulda bought some along time ago!!! Absolutely love it!! Got ours off of a dealer on AT. If you order a lot of it you can get some really good deals!
  9. Justhunt87

    Muzzleloader Bullets

    X2 on the harvester muzzleloading sabots!!!!!!
  10. Justhunt87

    Muzzleloader Bullets

    Barnes all the way. For accuracy I really like the tmz. For carnage I really like the expander. SST's are garbage in my opinion. 250 grain TMZ bullet with harvester muzzleloading high pressure boat tail sabots. Best combination I've used hands down.
  11. Justhunt87


    Looking at buying a Foodsaver. Was wonder if anybody has one and could give me some insight on which one to buy. Thanks
  12. Justhunt87

    Coyote/ deer herd problem

    Where are you located
  13. Justhunt87

    WTB Semi Auto Slug Gun?

    A buddy of mine is looking to buy a used semi auto slug gun. Let me know what you have. Thanks!
  14. Justhunt87

    Party hunting ?

    If I'm going party hunting with a group and am only going to have a doe tag do I have to have one for each county that we will be hunting? Or since a few guys have buck tags am I ok with only 1 county doe tag? Thanks
  15. Justhunt87

    Scent control routines

    Firm believer! Multiple deer down wind this weekends with great results!
  16. Justhunt87

    Scent control routines

    Just bought a bee smoker and hickory wood chips hung them up outside and smoked them up.
  17. Justhunt87

    Scent control routines

    Going out tomorrow with freshly smoked clothes! I'll let you know what I think!
  18. Justhunt87

    Rejuvenated - Aggravated

    ^ Exactly^
  19. Justhunt87

    Favorite safety harness?

    I've used the HSS and a Muddy. Definitely like the muddy better.
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