Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Justhunt87

    2010 Diamond Razor Edge **Loaded** Youth ladies bow

    I'm selling a 2010 Diamond Razor edge. Currently at 25 inches on the draw length and 45lbs draw weight. But can be adjusted from 19-29" draw length. And from 30-60lbs. It comes with toxonics sight, trophy ridge whisker style rest, limb savers stabilizer, peep, kisser, and d loop. Bow comes with...
  2. Justhunt87

    People hunting right along our fence lines

    On one of our farms they put there stands right on the fence line facing right onto our farm. I was thinking of a way to make them have to move what If I put a salt block right over the fence on our side then that person would be hunting over a salt block. Any ideas on this?
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