Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Sticks

    smoked a couple a nice grass carp

    airassault your right on. this particular public lake tho has hundreds of monster grass carp. we missed one that would probably tip the scales at close to 50lbs
  2. Sticks

    smoked a couple a nice grass carp

    got off work last night told my buddies to meet me at the ol honey hole, loaded up the old compound and my rubber boots. it was a little windy at first but ended up being a beautiful calm night. started off slow but ended up getting two arrows in this pig. 34lbs Image Hosting already...
  3. Sticks

    Need a Tree ID

    i could be wrong tho
  4. Sticks

    Need a Tree ID

    yep its an oak for sure.... IMO its a post oak
  5. Sticks

    Let's see the Best Tree on your Property

    chris... that looks like the perfect tree for a stand this fall. might get a carp or two out of it
  6. Sticks

    flats from this wknd

    the lake will be sick. lots of big flatties coming out of there in a couple weeks. last year i caught a 52 the 2nd wknd of june
  7. Sticks

    flats from this wknd

    another flat.. 25.5lbs
  8. Sticks

    sudden impact

    i figured it was, thanks bruce
  9. Sticks

    sudden impact

    i figured somebody would of posted something about this guy by now, sorry if i did miss a post about him already. but here it is. his name is sudden impact last year he was a 2 year old deer that went 406 inches. he is being raised on a game farm currently in WI i believe. last year he was...
  10. Sticks

    can you tell?

    yea thats the first thing i noticed was those ol split ears. but no never seen him before
  11. Sticks

    can you tell?

    im jw if any of you have some input on what this boy might turn in to? looks like he has a good start to him Image Hosting
  12. Sticks

    while mushroom hunting

    your right its not a good idea. but i didnt touch him, although it does look like it. my hand is there only too show the size of him.
  13. Sticks

    while mushroom hunting

    went out to easter lake this wknd looking for some of the las muchrooms i will probably find. found a couple pounds of them, Image Hosting but while i was walking i seen something under the brush and i couldnt figure out what is was and when i got a closer look this is what i found...
  14. Sticks

    when do you put your cameras out ?

    usually june for me. but i seen a dead buck on the side of road and could see some bone, also seen a couple south of town with growth already so for the heck of it ill prolly put some out this wknd
  15. Sticks

    I love a rainy night!

    good looking bird. love the photos. nice work
  16. Sticks

    flats from this wknd

    (UPDATED) ANOTHER NICE FLAT LOOK TOWARDS THE BOTTOM this past wknd had pretty good luck scott st bridge. tried a couple other holes up the coon side an made a trip up to the adel dam.\ couple pics from scott couple 15lb flats on friday night Image Hosting 10lb flat on saturday morn...
  17. Sticks

    the shrinker buck

    those pines in the background sure look like there from the southland IMO
  18. Sticks

    NR tags exceed $500

    just like most of us here i also see both sides of this. as far as what they "could of done" if they really wanted the money, we would of seen an increase also which we will, just like dwilk stated. great points shoot2kill. and i agree with sligh about it being quality rather then money...
  19. Sticks

    poached turkey eggs

    those are store bought eggs... and guys why would someone even try an come up with a prank like this. so point less to try an pull this kind of prank on someone.. IMO i feel we are the ones getting pranked here
  20. Sticks

    the shrinker buck

    that top pic is two young bucks in a sparring match... their fast movement caused the blur... but they are two young bucks.. probably a button buck and possibly a spike buck
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