Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Sticks

    The Feed Lot...

    now thats a herd of deer..... in the last pic the deer the furthest to the right looks like he has a small antler coming off his head... looks like a little buck
  2. Sticks

    trail cam pics

    got like 200 of phesants. its the newer stealth i430ir... right now there going for 150 bucks with a $20 rebate but the battery life is good. i started off with alkalines and they were ok switched to lithiums they do much better. although over bait and in this cold they die in just under a...
  3. Sticks

    trail cam pics

    pulled my card the other day like 1300 pics... lots of does and shed bucks but got a couple cool ones i thought i would share. got tons of pics of these guys Image Hosting thought this was kinda neat Image Hosting glad this young buck made it through looks like he has potential Image Hosting
  4. Sticks

    two deer or three... need help

    ya seems like atleat 3 diff ones... but im saying the two diff bucks that are in pics by themselves are probably 2-2.5 yr olds wouldnt you agree??? looks like they are booners in the making
  5. Sticks

    two deer or three... need help

    sorry i didnt specify.. the 2 bucks fighting.. im wondering if the bigger one in front is possibly one of the two by themselves... that smaller buck fighting is a dink. he has 3 or 4 on one side and spike on the other so idc about him
  6. Sticks

    two deer or three... need help

    ok got a series of pics on one trail cam all in a couple hours.. i know for sure there are atleat 2 different deer.. you can tell with the hooked brow but the one fighting im wondering if he could be one of those deer??? ill post them in the time order first deer Image Hosting two bucks...
  7. Sticks

    What went wrong

    BOOM haha kills me "i wont do that again" haha you sure... but ya it is just a prank the shirt changes and also the lights come on
  8. Sticks

    Bottomed out...

    25-30... that would give my auger a work out.. were running about 9 inches here.. lots ppl here use the hand crank augers... i cant imagine doing that on 25-30 WOW
  9. Sticks

    Bottomed out...

    thats gotta hurt.... wonder how thick the ice is on the lakes in your neck of the woods???
  10. Sticks


    im no pro when it comes to trail cams but i got my first trail cam for xmas this year.... its the new i430ir from stealth cam. like 150 bucks plus right now you get like 20 dollar rebate on them and it comes with batteries and a 1gb sd card... ive had it out pretty much every day since i got it...
  11. Sticks

    Stinkin' DOGS!!!!!! Question!?!?

    soak some deer meat in antifreeze that always does the trick... the dog will not be found with a hole in it so they wont suspect anything but he got sick.. i dont like to do it but when they run deer like that it really gets me going. had to do it a couple times works pretty good
  12. Sticks

    coyote attacks deer

    i see where your coming from buckshot and thank you and im starting feel the samwe way. and as far as the buck... i cant speak on him but i know the doe is legit he is good friend of mine
  13. Sticks

    coyote attacks deer

    probably a tree stand im not sure but the doe and coyote is from northeast like maryland/pa area and the other one definitley looks like from the same area with the rolling hills and aspens they have up there... and the only thing i can say on the yote is cause how close he is compared to the...
  14. Sticks

    coyote attacks deer

    not sure i never noticed that... you guys pick out every little thing ill have to ask him see what he says but whatever it is. it is wayyyyyyy up there
  15. Sticks

    coyote attacks deer

    well thats no doe getting shot thats a buck for sure and just like irownwood said if your talking about that ghostly appearence of the deer??? its common with fast movement on trail cams... and you can see the ghostly appearence in both these pics...
  16. Sticks

    True or un-true?

    yea the Missouri dept of conservation confirmed that this deer was purchased from a breeder and released into a high fence enclosure...... just makes you wonder how much that guys had to pay for that hunt
  17. Sticks

    coyote attacks deer

    well honestly this is from a good buddy of mine up in the NE part of the united states and i havent seen the pic of the doe getting shot but i know those would be from diff ppl cause he would of sent me both of them
  18. Sticks

    coyote attacks deer

    he said he found quite a bit of blood and fur but no deer and thats a good idea selling that to cudde ill let him know i think he has plans on taking some out after deer season
  19. Sticks

    coyote attacks deer

    my buddy got this on his trail cam.... look at the deer closely... Image Hosting
  20. Sticks

    Stone Age - Kansas

    absolutley unreal speechless wow
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