Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Spades8

    What day produced the most bucks this season.

    October 17th Early Muzzy. November 15th Bow.
  2. Spades8

    Would you ever?

    Here's the truth. Every Land OWNER has the right "because of our free country," "because of our military" because of the great people in this great country, to hunt THEIR ground how ever the hell they want! DONT ever TRESPASS!!! Not by accident not on purpose, if you do you are violating the...
  3. Spades8

    Deer recovery - this will make your day!

    That is something special between a father and son, wow! Great moment!
  4. Spades8

    Rage and Easton

    I also have skipped two Easton da'torch arrows off gravel, into a rock pile, while sighting in a new sight, and both just had some minor scratches but after a new field tip, still were shooting straight. But there are a lot of options out there. I switched to the hypodermics, have heard good...
  5. Spades8

    New Guy

    2.5 year old awesome genetics!
  6. Spades8


    Thanks Everyone for the kind words!
  7. Spades8

    2013 Sask whitetail

    Another Great deer! Congrats!
  8. Spades8


    Well this buck earned his name, no Giant by any means, but a buck I am proud to have harvested! First time hunting early Muzzy, weather ended up being perfect the entire time. Had an opportunity at this deer the night before and forgot to send a cap through the breach after cleaning the...
  9. Spades8

    Big 11 pointer down!

    Awesome Rack!! Awesome Buck! Hope you have high ceilings in your man room, your gona need'em to hang that buck on the wall!! Congrats!
  10. Spades8

    TV- Ruining Deer Hunting?

    Couple things: I don't think the hunting shows have ruined hunting. Think of all the advances in safety, technology, and awareness just a simple hunting show can bring. More "sponsors" want better product that are safer, stronger, lighter, faster, etc. doesn't mean you can't kill a dear if you...
  11. Spades8

    Stabilizer question.

    Stokerized SS1 you can adjust it forward, back, out or in to help balance your bow, and if needed add a typical stabilizer to help.
  12. Spades8

    Stolen Trail Cams

    If anyone in the Lovilia/Albia area comes across someone selling or talking about taking a Bushnell HD & Moultree Trail cams please PM me, had these stolen within the last three weeks. I will keep your info confidential. Any help would be appreciated Thank you
  13. Spades8

    land price and atv equipment

    Whitetail Properties does a heck of a Job as well, their marketing is awesome! Their personal attention to your property is amazing!
  14. Spades8

    Nose jammer

    I spray it on the tree right when I get in I also respray every 3-4 hours on all day sits.
  15. Spades8

    Nose jammer

    Good stuff, I use the soap and deodorant last year along with the spray, have yet to get busted from being winded. I also am OCD about washing all my clothing and spraying down though but I figure it doesn't hurt any. I will be using it all again this year.
  16. Spades8

    Numero Uno

    Wow....Amazing buck!
  17. Spades8

    Small Neck Knife

    Is old barn wood an option?
  18. Spades8

    Small Neck Knife

    Can you use different woods for the handle? Sorry thought of this after I posted.
  19. Spades8

    Small Neck Knife

    I would be interested as well.
  20. Spades8

    Trophy Cam

    Anyone have problems with night pics at a little bit of a distance? Like 15-20yds? My daytime pics are incredible, my nighttime pics are fuzzy and flash is really bright. Have the HD 8mp about a year old.
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