Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Spades8

    Off season training

    Muddy what time did you run? myself and a couple buddies ran at 12:00 on Saturday.
  2. Spades8

    Stokerized SS1

    Good to hear! I shot you an email on them tonight.
  3. Spades8

    Stokerized SS1

    Anyone have any reviews on this stabilizer. Been reading a lot of good things, thought I would ask. Do any of you combo this with a standard stabilizer set up? I will be adding it to my elite Hunter, with focus is hunting not target shooting.
  4. Spades8

    For Sale: 2010 Diamond Air Raid

    Bow Is Sold.....
  5. Spades8

    For Sale: 2010 Diamond Air Raid

    Sale Pending.....
  6. Spades8

    For Sale: 2010 Diamond Air Raid

    Price drop from $470 to $425....
  7. Spades8

    For Sale: 2010 Diamond Air Raid

    Bump..... Still for Sale
  8. Spades8

    Beretta PX4 Storm Full Size Pistol

    Went with the PX4 full size. Haven't shot it yet but really happy with the weight and how it fits in my hand. Also will be light enough for the wife and comes with a couple different grips. Looking forward to the range now!
  9. Spades8

    Got My 224" Mount Back!!!

    Wow, great deer, great mount!!
  10. Spades8

    For Sale: 2010 Diamond Air Raid

    Here are some Pics, I would like to keep the bow together with accessories, or just the bare bow. Only b/c I like the set up and if not sold I'll be using it this year. :) Hopefully this works, otherwise the pics are in my profile gallery.
  11. Spades8

    For Sale: 2010 Diamond Air Raid

    //// Bump Would pics help on the bow?
  12. Spades8

    For Sale: 2010 Diamond Air Raid

    Bump/// Any questions or interested takers?
  13. Spades8

    For Sale: 2010 Diamond Air Raid

    Basically new, shot less than 150 arrows out of it, great bow just looking to get into a dual cam. Realtree AP Camo Large Peep Sight, had it tuned at Buck Hollow, 70#, not 100% sure but 29" draw i believe. I believe you can tune it down to 60# if needed. Brand new $700. Bought from Bass Pro in...
  14. Spades8

    Beretta PX4 Storm Full Size Pistol

    Appreciate the info, any place around Des Moines you'd recommend outside of Sportsmans and Bass Pro?
  15. Spades8

    Beretta PX4 Storm Full Size Pistol

    Any reviews on this pistol? In the market just waiting on my concealed permit... I have read a lot of good reviews but that price range comes with a lot of quality pistols. 9mm and .40 is what i am looking for. Recreational use and home protection. Love to hear non-retail store reviews.
  16. Spades8

    Smokin Hot Blonde

    Done, thanks for the link.
  17. Spades8

    Disabled Vets

    Very cool idea! Hope you get some volunteers!
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