Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. StrikerII

    Ghost Ten!

    Great buck and that is torture sitting in the tree watching a shooter bedded by ya! Nice going!
  2. StrikerII

    taking a long shot

    Nice shooting and awesome buck!
  3. StrikerII

    Nov. 4 archery buck- "The Big 9"

    Great buck, congratulations!
  4. StrikerII

    2016 Trad Harvest

    Nice trad buck, congratulations!
  5. StrikerII

    Tagged out 11/02/2016

    Nice buck, congratulations!!
  6. StrikerII

    Indiana Truck Ride

    Great buck congratulations, all that hard work paid off!
  7. StrikerII

    Equipment review

    That's what I say, learn to improvise, adapt & survive. Nice work.
  8. StrikerII

    December 29th Archery Buck

    Nice buck, congratulations!
  9. StrikerII

    2015 season recap

    Very impressive season you all had!
  10. StrikerII

    ISO knight muzzleloader stock disc extreme

    Check the Knight muzzleloader forum or Modern Muzzleloader forum, I've seen them for sale there. I shoot a Disc Extreme also.
  11. StrikerII


    I have several of the Flambeau decoys. 2 alert does and a feeding doe. I'll use the one decoy as a broken antlered 140" buck, facing me and the feeding doe facing away from me. You can make a good bedded doe with the Flambeau alert doe decoy by not using the legs, just prop here down on the...
  12. StrikerII

    guess who I ran into?

    Great guy Tom Ware. I've known him for 15 years. I used to hunt with him when he owned BucksBeware in Illinois, then we hunted together up in Buffalo County early season one year. Class act.
  13. StrikerII


    Great buck, congratulations!
  14. StrikerII

    Kelsey's Old 12pt

    Great buck congratulations!
  15. StrikerII

    Bad News Above:

    From my experience hunting alotta different states during November, temperature has more effect than moonlight on the rut. Bright nights just mean the bucks run all night, bed then move ALOT midday. Go hunt, that's why we have the month of November.
  16. StrikerII

    Trespasser's are back

    They are carrying seat cushions. That's pretty inconsiderate of you not to have left your's in the tree for their fata**es!
  17. StrikerII

    Bucks, yr to yr

    I agree, first & third buck the same. He even gave you almost the same pose.
  18. StrikerII

    Best Fleece Hunting Jacket

    Agreed, I have one also and they are very warm and quiet.
  19. StrikerII

    170s season

    Nice job, especially with your Grandpa!
  20. StrikerII

    The story of '65'

    Great buck and story. The pictorial was awesome!
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