Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. StrikerII

    2012 Archery Buck

    Very nice buck, congratulations! No ground shrinkage here!
  2. StrikerII

    Laundry detergent ????

    Agreed. I've been using it for years and works great. Low sudsing, no odors and cleans well, plus I can buy it for 2/$5 on sale in supermarkets.
  3. StrikerII

    Deer Decoys, Pro's and Con's

    I've used them for years in different states: IL,WI, NY, NJ, MD, PA, all with good results. The key I have found is don't let them be a surprise to the deer, let them see them out in the open and make the setup look real. I use a Flambeau grazing doe, butt towards me with an alert Flambeau with...
  4. StrikerII

    Iowa NR draw results

    For all you guys checking, Iowa posted the results of their draw this morning.
  5. StrikerII

    Pretty great year

    Congratulations on all your successes! Good luck for the future for everyone involved.
  6. Sheds


  7. StrikerII

    2010...What a ride!!!!

    Awesome story and photos. I love the traditional outfits also.
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