Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. mrush


    Ok let’s see what I can do: 1) 2019 spring application: 2) I used local coop for testing in fall of 2018 and no micros were recommended at that time. Fertility was low and we spread a lot of P&K spring of 2019 at planting and then again last summer after 2nd cutting. Rates applied at soil...
  2. mrush


    I’m having trouble with my Alfalfa after 2nd cutting, it just seems to Peter out and run outta gas. Takes off great in the spring and we got 2 good cuttings last year. Have done the soil tests and PH and Fertilizer. I think it may be the variety I planted. I planted a different brand and variety...
  3. mrush

    Show on all habitat, conservation, building a farm - no deer hunts - any interest?

    I think you have a great idea. This is a good place for me to say that this forum has been the best source of information for me that’s helped along my journey. Habitat work is my true joy in life, second to my family. The big buck hunt sure is exciting but for me it is simply the reward for all...
  4. mrush

    Unfortunate find

    Bummer, any idea what was wrong with him? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. mrush

    Updated 2020 new pond thread

    I’m familiar with anti seep collars and have been studying Dam Construction for a while now, I have not run across a drawdown pipe below the Dam before, that’s the highest pressure point in the dam. I have a project coming up that this would work perfect for but I didn’t think it was possible...
  6. mrush

    4 wheeler vs. quiet kat bike

    I’ll throw in what I’ve observed. Panic vs Getting out of the way: tractors, deer not scared at all simply move out of the way then return to what they were doing. ATV or truck: slightly more elevated anxiety-jog to slow run out of sight-then they hide and observe what you are up to. Person on...
  7. mrush

    Updated 2020 new pond thread

    What prevents seepage along the drawdown pipe? I assume this is buried below the dam? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. mrush

    Clover help

    Set the mower to cut near the top of the clover, this time of the year clover grows really good and will look great a week after mowing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. mrush


    Ok I’ll bite, I would like to know more about this seed coat. I looked at the website and info seems limited. Have you tried it side by side with non-coated to prove it makes a difference? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. mrush


    What is the target date to plant pumpkins? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. mrush

    Muzzleloader scope

    Leupold makes a 2x7 for muzzy, I find this is quite adequate and can’t beat the lifetime warranty. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. mrush


    Yea I would try to set the mower just above or clip the tops of the brassicas. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. mrush


    I believe that is called pigweed. Unfortunately I don’t know if a good way to handle that with the brassicas underneath it. Maybe mow and cross fingers? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. mrush

    Finding a Renter

    The fertility thing is a must have, I bought a farm that had been mined, I almost fell down when I found out what it was gonna cost to bring it back, we are talking 4 years of rent payments to cover the bill. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. mrush

    No Till on a budget....

    I started with a VanBrunt (Same as deer) trip lever grain drill. It’s pretty easy to cut one in half, I made a 6 ft out of a 12 ft grain drill. These can be pulled with a ATV or UTV easily. These were bringing about $600 at the time on craigslist. It did a great job for me. Look for one with the...
  16. mrush

    Derecho effect?

    The entire Midwest is full of food that would not be naturally growing if we did not plant it, using your argument everyone in the Midwest is hunting unfairly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. mrush

    Derecho effect?

    I noticed a lot fewer deer in the beans last week, I’m sure with the freshly blown over trees and acorns there’s plenty to eat without coming outside right now. I’ve blamed acorns for the so called October Lull, will be interesting to see if we notice a difference come fall. Sent from my...
  18. mrush


    Sligh your alfalfa looks great! I planted Alfalfa for the first time last year and got a successful stand of 20 acres. I’m adding 10 acres to that this year. Last fall I watched every deer walk across the clover, wheat, and anything else around to get to the alfalfa. So I just killed the clover...
  19. mrush

    Drill/Seeder question

    All you need is soil contact and then the ability for the new tiny plant to get sunlight. Sligh is spot on about the thatch not being to thick for both to happen. I think the rule of thumb 2.5 times the seed size is max planting depth for small seeds, the seed has to have enough energy to push...
  20. mrush

    Grain drill questions

    Great looking drill! I’ve had a great time with mine and wouldn’t trade it for anything....except maybe a 812? My plots keep getting bigger somehow? I’ve had pretty good luck with soybeans as long as the moisture is available shallow using the same depth bands I use for small seeds. I will...
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