Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. mrush

    Spraying Rate for Round up and 2-4d

    The goal is to evening distribute the herbicide, to do so you need to know how many gallons of water your sprayer will spray given the time it takes you to cover the area. If unknown do a dry run with only water to get the answer. I usually burn any leftovers hitting the worst areas again...
  2. mrush

    CWD Hits close to home

    I got something more to add, I ran across an article written well before CWD, it was an old magazine laying around hunting camp. The subject was the dispersement of does and fawns from doe families from an area after members of their family had been killed. It was determined that if several...
  3. mrush

    CWD Hits close to home

    I have been through this in Northern Illinois and their goal is to wipe out all of the deer in the positive test area and surrounding area to slow the spread. I believe that it does in fact slow the spread but does not stop it, it’s just delayed a bit longer. One of the problems is they...
  4. mrush

    Yikes, close call

    That will make a guy think twice! Thanks for sharing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. mrush

    Smokeless Muzzleloader, cva hunter

    I like when it’s easy to find the deer, it appears they don’t go far after being hit with that gun! Wow! How much recoil does that thing have? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. mrush

    Grain drill questions

    The standard configuration includes native grass box and small seed box, the large seed box is an optional box. These drills were easier to find a couple years ago, I’ve been watching for them and they pop up from time to time. Truax website allows used adds to be placed and I just checked...
  7. mrush

    Grain drill questions

    Look for a Truax Flex 88 or Flex II 88. These are 3500 lbs and usually pull type. With 4 wheel drive and the size of your fields you will be happy with it as long as your grade isn’t to crazy. I use a bigger tractor than that but get a little carried away on where I put in good plots, any...
  8. mrush

    Best hang on tree stand to leave in the woods

    Millennium holds up great and is comfortable enough for all day. Comes with a lifeline, about $30 bonus value. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. mrush

    No till drill but poor results

    This is one week old rye drilled into dead grass at 1/4 inch depth. The grass was mowed 5 weeks before planting and sprayed 4 weeks before playing. The time in between gave the grass time to shrink up. I did the same thing on a different field but only waiting 1 week after mowing to spray and...
  10. mrush

    Opinions/advice on permanent CREP properties

    My neighbor put a farm in crep and regrets it and tried to get out of it. He was told after the program was in place he could no longer ride his ATV on the land. I’m not sure what repercussions exist if he continued to do so. I don’t like the idea of not being able to do whatever I wanted to on...
  11. mrush

    No till drill but poor results

    How think was the dead grass residue when you planted into it? I’ve had similar trouble and found that once the is residue shrinks up you will have better luck. Thick residue prevents sun from getting to the newly germinated seedlings. There may also have been some gly residue left over in the...
  12. mrush

    Flail mower vs rotary

    I considered the same thing for a while. Flail chops up the material real well and that’s the biggest benefit I saw. I went with rotary for a few reasons, less money to buy, less maintenance, uses less horsepower. But I really like the idea of shredding the material and if I see a good deal on...
  13. mrush

    Tractor Upgrade and Implement Recommendations

    That’s a sweet deal on the tractor. The disc looks perfect for plot work! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. mrush

    Drilling into mowed pasture

    I have drilled into several different things the last couple years, clover, grass, soybeans. All were successful but on different levels. To get the new seed to go the existing crop needs to be set back a little, short mowing is usually what I do. If the new plant is an aggressive annual like...
  15. mrush

    Food plot tractors !!!

    I would have never ordered a food plot tractor with duals, I bought it used and they came with it. After using them mowing on hills I like them. The only drawback I can tell is it takes more power to turn and of course the width of the thing. And they will hit the mower if I turn to tight. But...
  16. mrush

    Food plot tractors !!!

    Ya know I thought it would but I never used it so I took it off and put a tool rack on and use that all time, I carry a chain, basic tools and water in it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. mrush

    Food plot tractors !!!

    This is my second Massey, I really like the size at 85 horse. I just recently tried the duals out, I kinda like them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. mrush

    If deer & deer hunting disappeared what would you do?

    I would focus all my efforts into Bobcat habitat and food sources, might take a few years but I think that would fill the void for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. mrush

    Highest of highs... To Lowest of Lows...

    This deer is dead, just not found yet. I’ve made the same shot and lost blood after 150 yards. Look for the thickest places and hiding places within 200 yards of last blood. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. mrush

    Looking for Reviews on Great Plains nts2507 or the Genesis No Till Drukk

    I use a Truax Flex II 88 and am very happy with it. I suggest getting a pull type drill.
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