Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Man Cave

    Man Cave

  2. H


    Drought - dead clover or just dormant? In the spring of 2012 my clover plots were lush and beautiful, but by August they were nothing but dead, grey looking vegetative mats. Even after a couple of early fall rains nothing sprung back to life. Should I be thinking about harrowing off this...
  3. H


    Switchgrass Seed I recently purchased my CIR from Stock Seed Farms of Murdock, NE. 1 to 19 lbs runs $11.50/lb and 20+ lbs runs $10.00/lb. www.stockseed.com
  4. H


    Just finished drilling 3 acres of CIR in an area surrounding one of my foodplots. The majority of the area was sprayed to kill the brome earlier, but my concern is where poorer soils exists (alkaline and wet) and prairie cord grass dominates, and there is some reed canary as well. An ideas on...
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