Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    Native Warm Season Grass

    Just like the thread on the old QDMA site about frost seeding,I seemed to get faster and better growth by planting in winter.But I won't plant bluestem but only plant switch now.I offers several advantages I feel,you can broadcast or drill in a regular drill,stands better,gets taller.Yours looks...
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    Last 3 Redneck predator 5x6' blinds for sale- Brand New Interior

    If you get anymore for sale please put them on here
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    check vortex,best warranty out there
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    Found my new obsession

    Hopefully you can draw another tag,it's been 5 years since we drew and that was for unit 9 which from what I hear they screwed up and killed most of the cows the next couple years
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    Kiddie pool

    Instead of a stick use a piece of small hail screen
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    Built 2 New Blinds , What yall think

    Great looking blinds,I was looking at the banks blinds windows and they look really nice also
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    Milo and Pea combo plot

    milo looks healthy,I always plant 2 weeks after farmers plant because it is best when kernals are green and firm
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    What kind of grass is this?

    Spray with cleth or volunteer with crop oil added
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    CRP Questions

    So did the previous owner already plant the NWSG?I take it he got the sign up bonus.About everything mentioned above is the way it is,just be sure to check your times and dates you can work on it.
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    Mid Contract CRP Maintenance

    When they say light discing they mean just enough to stir up the seed bank
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    lottery winner!!!!

    I have a friend that is handicapped and 16A is where they hold this hunt.He shot a couple really good bulls there and saw 6 bears last time he was there from the time he pulled the trigger until meat was in truck.A tag might be something to think about.I think I saw you were using a guide,who if...
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    July bucks

    In kansas they are a little further along
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    Moultrie cams

    I ordered them awhile back and they are decent cameras
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    lottery winner!!!!

    Go to a foot Dr and get a really painful shot that only hurts for a sec but my first 2 lasted a year each and no problems for 2 years
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    Best trail cameras of 2017 - $100-225

    I usually check out the reviews at trailcampro.com.Brownings take good pics when they work.I have sent my 2 new ones back 3 times and its still luck of the draw if they work.Browning said they were going to technology that you need to use lithiums only and keep the SD card for use it each...
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    Moultrie cams

    I bought 2 from Rogers and have had them out several months,seem to work fine,heck of alot better than my 2 newest browning POS
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    lottery winner!!!!

    In NM you can use an ATV alot of times to haul out meat but our last one we packed down hill to a trail and hauled from there.
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    Weather Guard Truck Toolbox

    Man I wish you were in Kansas heck of a deal,is it a regular one or defender series
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    Best trail cameras of 2017 - $100-225

    I won't buy another browning as the last batch took great pics when it took pictures.I bought a couple of moultries from Rogers sporting goods for like 65.00 each and free shipping
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    lottery winner!!!!

    Well at least I know who will be using my buddy and my tags.I know a guy that has hunted the handicap hunt in 16A several times and has some nice bulls.You might think about having a bear tag,I hear lots in that area.It's the Gila,doesn't get any better
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