Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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    John deere 3 row 3 point planter

    Man They are nice....what do you do about fert ????

    2014 Iowa Deer Classic Pics

    im a nichole fan.

    Deer density question answered

    holy moly..90 DPSM ??? I would like half of that. I have 70% cover and no cows.

    CRP type programs with Short Crop History?!?!

    Skip, I just got a letter from the FSA saying that my REAP money was available. I put 40 acres of timber in and in big red bold letters it said no money available. I got about 1/3 of what I was told I would get money wise. Came to like 2400 bucks to do 40 acres. Now what to do???? I too want...

    Set Up

    Just started shooting those carbon express Blue streaks also. Now I need some new wraps. My Hoyt is all black.

    Cameras stolen

    I could type 2 pages of what I know about people flying here and shed hunting very famous farms and the posse going after them.

    Cameras stolen

    I got a nice brand new cudde back that does not work. I would love to pack it with C4. I can see the headlines now. no cant stoop to their level. forget no trespassing signs my will read danger unexploded ordnance.

    Stand THIEF.

    well I would have to guess its the neighbors or someone who has recon on the private ground. they have to be there in the day light to find the stand. so either they steal it their first time in or have to come back to get it. what can it be worth for them to do it? its almost like they just...

    Cameras stolen

    chip I could tell you a few stories from your area. beware they are wearing full disguises now.
  10. GOARMY

    Cameras stolen

    I want pics of the perps. this aint even funny to me at all. LE should deal with this like any other felony trespass and theft. our farms are our castles we we are the lords there.
  11. GOARMY


    pf mix airassult man that looks nice. how did you plant it?
  12. GOARMY

    Looking for an honest opinion!

    By it by yourself or buy smaller. You will know it when you see it. My story is was looking for a farm as no one would let me hunt anywhere. I looked at 2 farms and could not close but learned from defeat. Being dejected I went and looked at another farm I had seen listed for like 6 months. As...
  13. GOARMY

    land prices

    Whenever I sold it was to buy another place or generate money to complete an existing project. I know of some land that will change hands and never see a listing in public. Its thousands of the best managed perserve you could ever want. Some real heavy hitters...wink wink will and are buying...
  14. GOARMY

    land prices

    I dont think the rec ground will ever be 800 bucks an acre ever again. If it is land will be the last thing you will be worried about. I used to own a killer waterfront house and 4.8 acres of the best deer hunting a place that small can have. Listed it with an agent that allowed people to beat...
  15. GOARMY

    food or no food?

    I have lots of good open ground but cant find anyone to plant beans. I had 20 bags that never got planted last year. As for greens I have lots of alfalfa and now need something to put deer in the exact spot I need them. I will admit that the deer may need time to get used to the turnips. If I...
  16. GOARMY

    Show The Pictures of Your Best Friend

    friend Yep I'm all Corgi too. Taught mine to trail a wounded deer. Of course his name is Hunter.
  17. GOARMY

    Did they pull another thread?

    Fletch you will like this one. Back in the day playing football in middle school 7 and 8th grade. We had a running back that could not run up the field. He would run up and down the line. He got benched in favor of my brother who did well. The next year the kid who got benched in 7th grade now...
  18. GOARMY

    food or no food?

    Turnips, cheap and easy to do. Grow lots of food for a little money.
  19. GOARMY

    .22LR Ammunition

    Vote right in November? 2016 I do not see one person who can match the resume of Ms. Clinton. She is the hands down winner no matter what puppet the right throws up. Christie is bogged down in bridge gate and when more comes out about his games in the down town district with that woman mayor...
  20. GOARMY

    Worst Superbowl ever?

    I was pissed, no close up shots of the cheerleaders.
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