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    Covert Special Ops - Code Black - Wireless Trail Cam Review

    Stick, each camera gets its own sim card and phone number. Each camera and or phone number attached to the sime card can send pics to like 5 or 6 phone numbers..ie send you a text and at same time send to many email addresses. I pay for 1000 pics a month and its like 10 bucks a camera. They are...

    How to make a property thicker

    Chip I have not done it on this farm yet but I have on others. The cool thing is when your neighbors do nothing and you make all these improvements like food, crp and timber work. You will become the spot deer want to be.

    .22LR Ammunition

    Washington is causing it all. Cant ban guns and high cap mags well just short people ammo. I have a new reloader now still in the box. Now just find me some large rifle or pistol primers.

    iowawhitetail coyote count and random dog hunt pic

    I like the pic of the AR and the hilly back ground. I have a 60's era colt that has some vc blood on it I think?

    .22LR Ammunition

    Sad really sad what happened to ammo. I used to go to walmart just about every Friday night for years. I would buy 22 in win white box remington and whatever else they had. Lots of times I spent 200 to 250 bucks on ammo alone. Bought 40mm ammo cans to put it all in. Then boom cant even find one...

    2014 rule change

    My Guess is nothing changes.

    New Farm Bill is signed

    Hardwood, I want to put all slopes and not good food plot spots in CRP--cave in the rock grass. Throw in say 10 thousand pine seedlings and wammo in 5 years deer city it will be. The pines will help funnel deer and give me a place down the road to hide ladder stands in.

    2014 rule change

    Double NR tags to 1000.00 bucks. Hire a few more wardens. Tell them no warnings period. Write write and write some more fines, drive revenue through the roof. Take those gov tags and put all of them up for auction to the highest Bidder. spend some coin on some good ads in all the major deer...

    The dirty side of whitetail hunting........

    land madness, I just wanted to ask, Do you own the land that your on? If someone else owns the land you have to know someday it will be sold or trade hands through a family death or some other reason. I understand you or anyone being upset about losing access to ground, but if anything it...
  10. GOARMY

    New Farm Bill is signed

    Well the new Farm Bill is inked now. CRP acres will be brought down from like 32m acres to 25m acres over time. Take from one guy give to another. Not what I wanted to hear as I planned on enrolling some acres. Increases Assistance for Food Banks Local food banks are struggling to provide...
  11. GOARMY

    still have average deer numbers?

    Someone needs to do a rain dance this year in south eastern IA. If it does not rain we will get the EHD again which may be the knock out punch. We had too much spring rain and then Boom! it just quit raining or at least coming by us. It would be North of us or South of us in Mo. As for the...
  12. GOARMY

    EHD kill

    I hate that muddy, EHD that is. I was out in my field one day in Aug and saw this nice 130 ish buck walking straight toward me. He went from a normal walk to PLOP down on the ground he went. H was just laying there lookng normal until his head started to droop. I found him about a week later 6o...
  13. GOARMY

    Deer Video- Positive post.

    Look I am tired of the back and forth bickering. So look at this guy. I am hoping to get his sheds soon and the bigger friend he had has gone missing. So enjoy 20 seconds of a nice 10 point.:D
  14. GOARMY

    Pretty Neat and made me nervous at the same time

    cool always wanted a pet deer.
  15. GOARMY

    Black Rack

    I was on the Battle river once in saskatchewan. One sit right at dark but just a little outta my site 2 bucks started to really get it on. Only thing I can compare it to was 2 guys hitting 2 wooden baseball bats together. No way could a person make that sound. Never saw the bucks.
  16. GOARMY

    Question for NR's

    Altiman, Where I am you can still drive down a back road and jump pheasants from the noise of the truck. I see quail along the road side ditches and last year someone hit a cock bird right in front of my drive way. I used to hunt them as a kid but now would just like to see some running around...
  17. GOARMY

    The dirty side of whitetail hunting........

    Look I like NR and I like $$$$. I hunt and decided I wanted to lease out my own home farm once. I leased it to a NR and at the time the Money really came in handy. I had another NR who is still buggin me to lease out trhe same land and its almost funny. He threw a check at me and said please...
  18. GOARMY

    Propane shortage

    Govt does not want the price per gal to get to low. In Ohio and Pa is is more natural gas than they know what to do with. Some high up faction has them burning it off at the well head in Ohio. If we let it hit the market in a normal way it would be a dollar a gallon or LESS.
  19. GOARMY

    5, 10, 15, 20 years ago

    Here is a pic off the screen of my video camera. This buck ran by me this year in Iowa while I was out for a walk.
  20. GOARMY

    5, 10, 15, 20 years ago

    Fatboy, cool man and I'm glad I took lots of pics as they are really funny now. I got rid of that car for a 67 SS 396 triple black auto car. I did 125 one day in it in NJ and had plenty of petal left. Maybe 1997 or 98 ish I went to look at another 70 ss that needed full resto. Car was all...
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