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    Anterless Rifle Season

    Close it yesterday.

    Winke-Brandstad Interview

    The Gov going to Bills farm and seeing 40 deer in the field may not have been the best place to take him? Maybe I would have gar holed him and then he would have been like woo where are the deer? I saw problems way back in 2008 when I would see 60 to 70 deer in the field and no bucks over...

    2013 Governors Tags

    save this post. As we all will find out soon enough one of our own sold us out. Cant say what I know but you will be very suprised whats going on in the back ground. $$$$$ Rule.

    2013 Governors Tags

    Here we go. I would not hold my breath waiting for that list.

    A must read

    Here is what I got back. Thank you for contacting the office of Governor Terry E. Branstad regarding the deer population in the state of Iowa . As you know, this is an issue that affects many Iowans whether they hunt, own land, or travel on our roads. Knowing the importance of this issue...


    Spoke to one of my friends today and was told that his friend found over 40 DEAD BUCKS this past fall from EHD. Thats 40 freggin bucks and the state does not know about. This area got hit hard hard. Now take a 2 mile area and remove 70% of the bucks and see what happens. I have no count on the...

    Hardest hit EHD area's

    Curtis, Well then I'm good. I guess my glass is 1/2 full. I have a pond that you could put a hook on a thread with no bait and catch a bass on every throw. They are frankin piranna bass. Along that pond I found a buck that died in velvet. I should have thrown him in the water to feed the bass.

    Legal?? Ethical??

    I once had a camera in a smokin spot on my land. Now it was an original Cam Tracker like 1998 time frame. Kind that used 35 MM film. I check it one day and the Film is GONE! ????WTF ?? They took the film but left the camera. Over the years I have moved food plots and changed what I do as to...


    I sent my .02 cents.
  10. GOARMY

    A must read

    Wow I'm glad Bill came out and put that in writing! He is well respected and if he feels that way well what can the rest of us expect from our land? I was kinda suprised when I saw him say he was going to hunt some public land this year. With what he has and what he has built there should be...
  11. GOARMY

    Legal?? Ethical??

    Well it is not against the law to take pics of something in public. There is no legal presumption of privacy if you are walking a field and take a pic. SC already decided this because drug dealers sue police about some invasion of privacy thing. I think you would have to be stupid or a rookie...
  12. GOARMY

    Wake up nr's/friends & even residents of ia - governor tags this legislation session

    Why in the heck should Luke Bryant or any other non-resident non land owning celeb get a tag over a NR Landowner??? The NR landowner that comes here and buys land pays, Taxes Buys Gas Buys food at the store Goes out to eat. Goes to the co-op and buys seed and or fert. Buys lumber to build...
  13. GOARMY

    Been quiet

    Fletch I hate to drop this on you but iowa aint what it once was. I had a long conversation yesterday about some serious land ready to change hands and its not oh my in iowa. How could that be? No place is as Good as here and the primary factor could be not allowing nr a tag on land they own...
  14. GOARMY

    Been quiet

    Man from what I gather here is that many residents hate nrlo ??? I will tell you this is that some of the best places I know of for deer are owned by nrlo and not even americans. They live in europe and came to the america bought land and created unrivaled giant buck meccas. All the while the...
  15. GOARMY

    Been quiet

    Yeah me too in clark or decatur.
  16. GOARMY

    Been quiet

    Hardwood Sounds like you need to sell.
  17. GOARMY

    Been quiet

    Fletch Im my brain yes but im stupid. As for judges they legislate from the bench. Dont for one minute think they dont have agendas or are swayed one way or another. As for the deer I think we are fighting over tidbits now. What good is access resident or nr if what you are after is no longer...
  18. GOARMY

    Been quiet

    Ok lets say I own a house in the keys. See florida has no state income tax. Hannity and rush both moved to florida to avoid giving govt 55 percent in ny. Ok now I buy a place in iowa and take up deer hunting..just like lee l. See I remember him stating that he came to iowa to take up deer...
  19. GOARMY

    Been quiet

    The population is already destroyed. Samis IS a resident.
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