Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. Simmshunter

    .30-06 Rebuild

    Beautiful weapon! Hope to see it laying across a big bull elk next fall. Congrats
  2. Simmshunter

    I'd be upset

    All I can say is wow! What is our country coming to when the police take people into custody , because they think you might do something wrong.
  3. Simmshunter

    Mountain Lion

    Been a coonhunter all my life. That sounds like the ultimate hound hunt. Congrats
  4. Simmshunter

    Hf 2481

    Emails sent. Now lets just hope they listen to us.
  5. Simmshunter


    Sorry to here of your loss Mike.You have my sympathy.
  6. Simmshunter

    Man Caves

    Do I have permission to use your idea Ironwood? That is a great idea! Look awesome.
  7. Simmshunter


    Who figured out how to do that in the first place? Definately amazing!
  8. Simmshunter

    State of Iowa in the Outfitting Business

    Sent out my emails tonight on HF 2232!
  9. Simmshunter

    my first post...

    Congrats on your new found passion and welcome!
  10. Simmshunter

    Lets hear your hunting superstitions!

    I have my lucky arrow in my quiver. I use all the time. Used it to kill all my deer and a turkey the last few years. So far it has pasted through everything I have shot. I know I won't be happy if it ever gets broken.
  11. Simmshunter

    read this

    Very well written. Hard to find anything to disagree with. As for what was said about Duncan Dobie, couldn't be truer. I had the privilege to get to know and have several conversations with Duncan when my son (Kyle Simmons) killed his deer in the fall of 2008. He was a very sincere and down to...
  12. Simmshunter

    Comfortable Seat?

    Looks like a pretty good price on the Double Bull seat. Midway USA Sale Double Bull QS3 Magnum Tri-Stool Chair Steel Frame Polyester Seat and Back Ground Swat Camo Product #: 638389 Status: Available Our Price: $27.99 $34.99 Save $7.00
  13. Simmshunter

    upcoming governors race???

    Should educate him before he gets in. If he can't be educated, then we try to make sure he doesn't get in.
  14. Simmshunter

    239 inch 2nd Season Shotgun Buck

    Awesome deer! Congrats
  15. Simmshunter

    Cabelas Wind Shear

    My youngest son has the Cabelas Dimension Windshear fleece pull over and he swears buy it. Says it works great. Got me thinking I might have to get some.
  16. Simmshunter

    Favorite Bucks.

    Here's mine, but I maybe a little biased.
  17. Simmshunter

    Mitch's Last Minute Buck

    Congrats! Way to make a great ending to your season.
  18. Simmshunter

    Best Stand packing pack?

    Was thinking of getting an Eberlestock J34, but now you have me checking the Horn Hunters out as an option. I also try to buy USA as much as possible.
  19. Simmshunter

    Best Stand packing pack?

    HCH is the Mainbeam XL the model you are using?
  20. Simmshunter

    The Tale of Yukon Charlie

    Great story,great buck, something you will never forget!
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