Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. deadeye

    2015.........A New Beginning

  2. deadeye

    thumb release?

    Wanting to try a thumb release and use with back tension. I don't think I want the finger hole style. I am leaning toward 4 finger instead of 3. I shoot a spot Hogg now and the whipper snapper looks decent. Have heard good things about Carter and stan's. Think I would want one that would stay...
  3. deadeye


    Heads up Badlands is running a 50% off sale on things in certain camo. Check out there website if you need anything.
  4. deadeye

    Bino harness / case???

    Have a strap style bino harness system. I like it in that your binos are always ready and easy to reach. I do not have much luck with the top eye covers staying on. I have the Nikon Monarchs. It seems I always knock them off and get snow and grit in the top of them. I have been thinking...
  5. deadeye

    Mickey/Bunny Boots

    I think I got my last pair off Amazon...
  6. deadeye

    The Bully

    What a warrior!!!
  7. deadeye


    A bit disappointed... I really like checking in on this site. It seems in today's world the best way to keep in touch is via a mobile device. How are most people keeping dibs on this site - especially if you are doing it via a mobile device? I do have a few gripes... I have been an...
  8. deadeye


    I have bought a few of them and they are pretty decent quality.
  9. deadeye

    Recommendations for Crossbow

    In this year's regs I don't see anything about the 3 blade head requirement. Is that a thing of the past or is it still in place? Have heard good things about the excaliber but they are wide. Depends what you are looking for I guess.
  10. deadeye

    best ground blind bag??

    I don't really use a bad anymore. Attach it to a pack or cart or even just straps. Too noisy with a bag if you get good and close.
  11. deadeye


    Agree that the cheaper ones don't last that long through a few deer seasons. Spend a little more money will get you a better product.
  12. deadeye

    PSE Surge

    Very good release.
  13. deadeye

    rock climbing harness vs full body

    I think it looks great for hanging stands. I like bibs and if I would put it under them I don't know how comfortable it would be not to mention probably a little more fun to take a leak. It might be better to wear over the bibs instead of under?
  14. deadeye

    870 rifled barrel- Northeast IA

    Product was in great condition and packaged very well. Thanks!!!
  15. deadeye

    Double Bull Shack Attack

    My thought on the t2 as well. However I prefer the t5 design myself.
  16. deadeye

    Cross Bows in Iowa....? I hope not

    I think gun seasons or late muzzle is where crossbows belong. To me it's a lesser weapon. However I don't think I am in favor of them for the archery season tag.
  17. deadeye


    Thanks for the opinions. It's hard to tell what it has for windows in the pics I have seen. If the weather is warm does it air out OK? Can't really tell what it has for windows.
  18. deadeye


    Looking for a family camping tent. Family of four so looking at a 6 person dome tent. Kind of a Cabela's fan but open to other options. Looking at the Cabela's Alaskan guide geodesic tent. Looking for opinions if anybody has it or has a favorite that is similar. Opinions appreciated.
  19. deadeye

    Wisconsin bird

    Way to go!
  20. deadeye

    Ratchet straps

    You could try harbor freight. I got some there...
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