Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. 12pointWoody

    Feel good story. Great people at Mathews Inc.

    Good for you sir and impressed with Mathews as a company, I myself just bought an MR6 and am blown away with the way it shoots, drawing the 80 pounds is a little rough if I am shooting more than 10 arrows but it's amazing how fast and flat it shoots death from above
  2. 12pointWoody

    JUNIOR gets drafted!!!

    Congrats and good luck!! death from above
  3. 12pointWoody

    2015 Iowa Turkey #2

    Congrats, glad you found him. death from above
  4. 12pointWoody

    uncommon 7x7 typ

    Giant, absolute giant death from above
  5. 12pointWoody

    Jacobs First Bow Kill!!!

    Great story always cool to see the next generation getting into hunting and getting it done death from above
  6. 12pointWoody

    Mainframe 12 down

    Stud right there, congrats death from above
  7. 12pointWoody

    year of management

    I would proudly display that guys he's awesome that palmation is crazy. Really cool buck congrats death from above
  8. 12pointWoody

    2014 Bow Buck

    He's got a huge looking body congrats death from above
  9. 12pointWoody

    Y'all got to me...BBD

    He's a straight up monster congrats death from above
  10. 12pointWoody

    looking through your album of photos how did you get the European mount to stick to the wooden...

    looking through your album of photos how did you get the European mount to stick to the wooden mount?
  11. 12pointWoody

    my 10-15-14 bow kill

    Here is my European from my bow buck
  12. 12pointWoody

    Traditional Success

    Dandy of a buck there and congratulations on early success death from above
  13. 12pointWoody

    2014-2015 Running Buck Count

    I shot my bow buck on 10-15-14 death from above
  14. 12pointWoody

    this years cam pics

  15. 12pointWoody

    my 10-15-14 bow kill

    this is him next to last years bow kill
  16. 12pointWoody

    my 10-15-14 bow kill

    The story. My stand faces west, along a river, and on the other side of that is train tracks. I had sat for about an hour. A train came down the tracks, thank god because I have recently been trying to quit smoking, the sound covers my coughs. I saw legs in the little finger of timber...
  17. 12pointWoody

    my 10-15-14 bow kill

  18. 12pointWoody

    2011/12 Iowawhitetail running doe count

    dad shot one during early muzzle, and I got one with bow makes 215
  19. 12pointWoody

    Muck Boots

    I wear my mickey mouse boots and wool socks late muzzle. Do pretty well until about -10 as long as my feet don't get sweaty on the way in. death from above
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