Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. 12pointWoody


    I think I will let this be and see if I notice a vehicle parked at that end of the field. All my stands are located on the other end of the property death from above
  2. 12pointWoody


    I just don't want the DNR officer here trying to say its my stuff death from above
  3. 12pointWoody


    I have permission to hunt a piece of land. I was walking in along the fence the other day and noticed a tree stand on the adjoining land just over the fence and facing away from my piece. This is fine and dandy, however their is bait in front of it and a trail camera. I do not want to be accused...
  4. 12pointWoody

    early muzzle

    My dad is down for early muzzle this tear. First time in two years he was able to make the trip. I have really missed this. death from above
  5. 12pointWoody

    Good Looking Season Ahead

    I'd be happy with any of those guys. Got a few toads on here. Good luck this fall death from above
  6. 12pointWoody

    Daughter's first deer

    Passing the torch and creating memories congrats death from above
  7. 12pointWoody

    bull moose 15 point

    Kick a**, now that's a dream hunt death from above
  8. 12pointWoody

    Iowa youth season 2014

    Congratulations definitely bigger than my first buck, good to see your teaching the next generation death from above
  9. 12pointWoody

    Sons first deer Iowa Youth Season

    Always good to see the youngsters getting out there and being successful congratulations death from above
  10. 12pointWoody

    mock scrapes

    When do you start creating them?
  11. 12pointWoody

    Sleep deprived

    Certainly wouldn't mind wrapping my tag around that rack. Congratulations and good luck this fall
  12. 12pointWoody

    This one will work..

    He is a great one good luck this fall
  13. 12pointWoody

    Done growing i think...

    Love that split kicker
  14. 12pointWoody

    Finally, something worth sharing!

    Nice always good to see good luck this fall
  15. 12pointWoody

    Same old Bucks different day!

    Got some dandies their congrats and good luck
  16. 12pointWoody

    Slow Year Surprise

    Got some good looking deer in there congratulations and good luck this fall
  17. 12pointWoody

    Worst trail cam year & stunted growth

    The big boys will come around soon good luck to ya
  18. 12pointWoody

    Big Boys Together!

    Both of those guys would look good on the wall good luck this fall
  19. 12pointWoody

    He's still kickin'

    Gotta love all the junk around his brows
  20. 12pointWoody

    Wide 1 and Tight 1

    Nice hopefully you get a shot at that wide guy
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