Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. 12pointWoody

    Mountain Lions

    Do you need s furbearers license for it ?
  2. 12pointWoody

    Target buck

    Same deer or different deer I would be after him for sure. Good luck to ya.
  3. 12pointWoody

    Newcomer "Jim Dandy"

    Looks like a beast to me
  4. 12pointWoody

    Women advice

    I have spare room in the house that has I guess become my den where I put my manly stuff and the wife has no say what is done in that room
  5. 12pointWoody


    I was thinking about putting mine up this weekend. My hunting land is close to a highway with some good standing timber. I figure its probably irresistable for a mushroom hunter to hop out and walk it but i think maybe mushrooms might be about done down here in sw iowa
  6. 12pointWoody


    When do most of you start setting cams up in the spring?
  7. 12pointWoody

    brushy creek bass??

    A kayak would work great in some of the coves that you cant get back into well from a larger boat lots of standing timber sticking out of the water
  8. 12pointWoody

    brushy creek bass??

    Brushy is an awesome young lake. My folks used to host the equestrian camp ground there. There are plenty of crappies, walleyes, bass, and bluegills, the perch are a little more elusive and if your lucky you might hook into one of the tiger muskies
  9. 12pointWoody

    Barrel Cam

    He looks like a monster to me. Hoping to line up a bear hunt in minnesota over the next couple years. If he came by me i would throw an arrow at him
  10. 12pointWoody

    Got "Rookie" back from taxidermist, broken ear an all!

    He's a dandy buck. Love the way u didnt have the ear fixed like to see them look the way they did in real life
  11. 12pointWoody

    Finally got my bear back today!

    I'm no expert but 400 pounds of black bear sounds big Congrats on the successful hunt and great looking mount
  12. 12pointWoody

    River Fishing

    Mid summer I always find a bend in the river with a deep hole downstream and just use night crawlers or chicken livers for cats
  13. 12pointWoody

    Turkey Hunting

    Went up to Des Moines last weekend with a buddy saw a few strutters out Saturday morning along the way good luck to all going after them gobblers this year
  14. 12pointWoody

    summit hot dot f.o.x.

    Bought this sight and love it so far after about 100 shots seems to be holding its position and its nice to have no pins in the field of view only possible drawback I have come across is that it seems like if I am in a dark environment, say a ground blind, it is hard to see the fiber optic dots...
  15. 12pointWoody

    nockturnal helios

    Has anyone tried these fletching/lighted nock yet they look intriguing to me. Just curious what opinions if any you guys may have
  16. 12pointWoody

    water tank

    Plastic bulkhead inside wire crate on plastic skid
  17. 12pointWoody

    5 ladder stands (4 single & 1 double) $175 for all

    Wish I had the cash right now I would
  18. 12pointWoody

    Cameras stolen

    I pull mine down b4 shotgun just in case every year
  19. 12pointWoody

    Look whose coming home...

    Congratulations looks very good
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