Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

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  1. 12pointWoody


    Wow God creates some amazing things and that's definitely one
  2. 12pointWoody

    iowawhitetail coyote count and random dog hunt pic

    Our group took out 9 coyotes between Saturday and sunday
  3. 12pointWoody

    iowawhitetail coyote count and random dog hunt pic

    Usually between 1st and 4th shots lol I group hunt yotes use an old H and K 91 rifle semi auto 20 round clip. My group got 4 yesterday
  4. 12pointWoody

    iowawhitetail coyote count and random dog hunt pic

    Haven't seen it yet this year but I gotta say its a cool sight to see a yote on dead sprint get rolled by my .308
  5. 12pointWoody

    Looking for some suggestions for a gun safe

    I haven't done much research on gun safes however I have seen a few and for my money I would go with a liberty safe might be a little more spendy than you are looking for but at the cost of replacing your guns and the hassles involved with dealing with law enforecement to report and have it...
  6. 12pointWoody

    first euro mount

    I am thinking I might try my next one your way. My way worked and worked well but its time consuming
  7. 12pointWoody

    first euro mount

    I got mine soaking in regular 3% peroxide takes about a week and I got a ragover top of the head between antlers to keep top soaking put more peroxide on it in morning and after work
  8. 12pointWoody

    first euro mount

    A friend of mine makes stuff out of driftwood so I think I will have her sell me a piece of it and make a bracket at work since I am a welder
  9. 12pointWoody

    2014 rule change

    I like your idea better then what I heard
  10. 12pointWoody

    first euro mount

    My first attempt at a European mount you shoulda seen the look on the wife's face when she came home from work to this guys head boiling on the stove priceless and I still got a little bit of my butt left after she chewed on it for about an hour
  11. 12pointWoody

    2013 season review

    Sounds like a great season in anybodies book congratulations. Its always great yo share the hunt with family and friends really miss hunting with my old man he hasn't been able to make it down in 3 years now. Really starting to miss that.
  12. 12pointWoody

    Big Buck Down app

    Is it all photos people post or what?
  13. 12pointWoody

    2014 rule change

    I heard a rumor from a Guy I work with (he is usually pretty reliable) that the dnr will be having major rule changes next season. With the widespread ehd kills and overhunting in some areas the rumor is that you will be allowed one any sex tag per year for the next 3-5 years in order to bring...
  14. 12pointWoody

    iowawhitetail coyote count and random dog hunt pic

    A group of guys with trucks and CB radios surround a section with a coyote in it that they have seen and release a dog usually trained to follow coyote scent at the last known track and use a tracking collar to keep tabs on the the dog. Then either the coyote gets kicked up by the dogs or gets...
  15. 12pointWoody

    Card reader for Driod phones

    I have used micro SD cards with the SD card adapter to check trail cam pictures with my phone it is kind of a pain to pull my phones card and put in the one from the trail cam but at least I don't have to run them back to my house to look at em
  16. 12pointWoody

    Carcass cam

    Those are some really cool pictures!
  17. 12pointWoody

    still have average deer numbers?

    I hunt in page Adams Taylor and Montgomery counties all of which seemed about the same a small cut in mature does and bucks but what seemed to be a larger crew of young deer
  18. 12pointWoody

    EHD kill

    It definitely sucks to setup and try to manage a herd with this disease continuing to pop up every year
  19. 12pointWoody

    Pretty Neat and made me nervous at the same time

    Wow crazy but yeah coulda been a bad situation
  20. 12pointWoody

    Propane shortage

    Wow that's crazy a grand for 200 gallons I paid $250 for 200 last winter so glad we moved
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